Postgraduate and Doctorate Training

The purpose of the educational and scientific program is to train doctors of philosophy in specialty F3 – “Computer Science”, which provides for the acquisition of theoretical knowledge, abilities, skills and other competencies sufficient to develop new ideas, solve complex scientific problems in the field of computer science. Moreover acquisition of techniques pedagogical activities, conducting their own scientific research, the results of which have scientific novelty, theoretical and practical significance.

You can find out more about the PhD program, admission and postgraduate studies, the procedure for preparing a dissertation and defense on the website of the Graduate School of NTU “KhPI”.

The postgraduate curriculum provides for the following vocational training disciplines:

  • Methods and models of artificial intelligence in computer science
  • Methodology of scientific and pedagogical activity in computer sciences
  • Management of scientific and innovative projects in the field of information technology

In addition, the following elective courses of the graduate student are offered:

  • Models and information technologies for quality assessment and management of software development process
  • Forecasting based on neural networks
  • Modern models and methods of artificial intelligence
  • Information technologies of big data processing
  • Information technologies in distributed systems
  • Information technologies for decision support
  • Modern technologies of information management

In recent years, postgraduate students of the department have successfully prepared and defended the following works :

  • “Models and information technologies for testing the structure of objects in the assembly process for manufacturability” (author I.S.Yamshanov, scientific supervisor Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor I.P. Gamayun);
  • “Models and information technology of requirements tracing in flexible software development processes” (author R.A.Gamzaev, scientific supervisor Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. N.V. Tkachuk);
  • “Model and information technology of quality management of the software development process in conditions of limited resources” (author I.L. Braginsky, scientific supervisor doctor of technical sciences, prof. V.L. Lisitsky);
  • “Model and information technology of strategic management of distribution logistics” (author A.A.Stankevich, scientific supervisor doctor of technical sciences, prof. M.D.Godlevsky);
  • “Models and information technologies for managing the competitiveness of industrial production” (author N.G.Fonta, scientific supervisor Ph.D., associate professor V.L. Lisitsky);
  • “Models and tools for IT infrastructure management systems of organizations” (author V.E.Sokol, scientific supervisor Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. N.V.Tkachuk);
  • “Models and information technologies for support of measurement processes in the quality management system of a higher educational institution” (author O.V.Yangolenko, scientific supervisor candidate of technical sciences, associate professor O.Y.Cherednichenko);
  • “Models and information technology of traffic dispatching for railway transport in conditions of time constraints” (author D.B. Arkatov, scientific supervisor Ph.D., associate professor O.Y. Cherednichenko);
  • “Models and tools for maintaining software systems based on post-object-oriented technologies” (author K.A.Nagorny, scientific supervisor Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. N.V.Tkachuk);
  • “Information technology for the development of a line of software products based on methods and tools of domain modeling” (author I.O.Martinkus, scientific supervisor doctor of technical sciences, prof. N.V. Tkachuk);
  • “Method and models of information screening of medical records in decision support systems with ambiguous information” (author K.V.Melnik, scientific supervisor Ph.D., professor A.E.Goloskokov);
  • “Models and information technologies for complex assessment of multi-feature objects in decision support problems” (author I.V.Lyutenko, scientific supervisor Ph.D., associate professor O.Y.Cherednichenko).
  • “Models and information technology for planning the improvement of the quality of the software development process” (author A.A.Goloskokova, scientific supervisor doctor of technical sciences, prof. M.D. Godlevsky).
  • “Models and information technology of analysis and improvement of the quality of the structure of business processes of complex systems” (author A.M.Kopp, scientific supervisor Ph.D., associate professor D.L .Orlovsky).
  • “Models, methods and information technologies for intelligent analysis of business processes” (author R.I. Maneva, scientific supervisor candidate of technical sciences, associate professor A.V.Shmatko).

Also, in recent years, the following doctoral dissertations have been prepared and successfully defended:

  • “Models, methods and information technologies for strategic management of enterprise development” (author student Ph.D., associate professor V.V.Moskalenko, scientific consultant doctor of technical sciences, prof. M.D.Godlevsky);
  • “Models, methods and information technologies for efficiency and quality management in complex socio-economic systems” (author Ph.D., associate professor O.Y.Cherednichenko, scientific consultant doctor of technical sciences, prof. M.D. Godlevsky).

At the moment, the doctoral studies of the department are preparing the following doctoral dissertations:

  • “Methodology, models and information technologies for the formation of constructive solutions in problems of multicriteria management in distributed technical systems” (author Ph.D., professor S.V. Shevchenko, scientific consultant doctor of technical sciences, professor I.P. Hamayun);
  • “Methodological foundations and information technology of virtual promotion of goods and services based on machine learning” (author candidate of technical sciences, associate professor S.V. Orekhov, scientific consultant doctor of technical sciences, prof. M.D. Godlevsky).

In the future, it is planned to carry out candidate and doctoral work together with foreign partners and receive European universities PhD.