Partner Universities

Currently, the department of Software Engineering and Management Intelligent Technologies NTU “KhPI” collaborates with prominent European universities. For several years now internship programs have been running in European universities, and in the near future the program of double degrees with partner universities is going to be adopted.

Alpine-Adriatic University of Klagenfurt is the Austrian State University and Research Center in Carinthia. In 2017, an agreement on double diplomas between the University of Klagenfurt and NTU “KhPI” was signed.

Hamburg Technical University is one of the largest academic centers in Germany. Despite the fact that the University of Hamburg is one of the youngest universities in Germany, scientific discoveries and achievements of professors and graduates of the university, five of which are Nobel Prize winners – have left mark in history of science and technology.

The University of Paris-North XIII is a French state university, one of the 13 Parisian universities founded on the basis of the Saint-Denis University Center.

Lumière University Lyon 2 is a branch of one largest universities of France, the University of Lyon, comprising 6 faculties and 7 research institutes.

Linneus University is a state university in Småland, southern province of Sweden. It consists of two buildings located in the cities of Växjö and Kalmar. The university was formed in 2010, after the merging of the university in Växjö and the college in Kalmar.

The University of Economics in Poznan is one of five universities of national economy in Poland.

School of Economics and Management of Public Administration in Bratislava is a Slovak university that trains specialists for public administration and regional development and is a member of the Slovak Digital Coalition. Since 2019, a joint master’s program has been operating between this University and NTU “KhPI”.

Університет прикладних наук Вюрцбурґ-Швайнфурт (FHWS) is founded in 1971 in Bavaria, has 9102 students, 202 professors and is the fourth largest university of applied sciences in Bavaria. There is an academic mobility program between the FHWS University and NTU “KhPI”.

Рейнсько-Вестфальський технічний університет Аахена (RWTH) is a research university of technology located in Aachen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. Since 2022, RWTH and NTU “KhPI” have been running a joint bachelor’s program.