Heorhii Kuchuk
Position: Professor
Academic degree: Doctor of Engineering Sciences, 05.13.06 – Information Technology.
Dissertation topic: "Models and methods for managing integral data flows in information and telecommunication networks of critical systems"
Scientific title: Professor of Information Technology
Discipline names:

1) Discrete mathematics.

2) Probability theory.

3) Optimization of actions in multiservice systems and networks.

Information about scientific activities:

More than 400 robots have been published, including 6 monographs.
Member of 2 specialized scientific councils for the defense of doctoral and master’s theses. Annually participates in 4-5 conferences. Member of the editorial boards of 3 Ukrainian and 1 Azerbaijani professional journals. Since 2010, he has acted as an official opponent more than 20 times.
As a supervisor, he prepared 6 candidates of technical sciences. Currently supervises the training of 2 graduate students.

1) Кучук Г.А. Оцінка вразливості системного програмного забезпечення / Г.А. Кучук, Криховецький Г.Я. // Системи управління, навігації та зв’язку. – Полтава. ПНТУ, 2017. – Вип. 6(46). – С. 141-144.

2) Kuchuk G. Improving big data centers energy efficiency: Traffic based model and method / G. Kuchuk, A. Kovalenko, Komari, I.E., Svyrydov A., V.S. Harchenko // Studies in Systems, Decision and Control. – Springer, 2019, pp. 161-183. (SCOPUS).

3) Kuchuk H. Adaptive Compression method for Video Information / Heorhii Kuchuk, Andriy Kovalenko, Bnar Fareed Ibrahim and Igor Ruban // International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering (IJATCSE). – 2019. – Vol. 8, No. 1.2, pp. 66-69. (SCOPUS).

4) Heorhii Kuchuk, Andriy Kovalenko, Bnar Fareed Ibrahim and Igor Ruban. Adaptive Compression method for Video Information International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering. 2019. Vol. 8, No. 1.2, pp. 66-69. (SCOPUS).

5) Kuchuk H. Decomposition Method for Synthesizing the Computer System Architecture / Mukhin V., Kuchuk N., Kosenko N., Kosenko V. // Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2020, No. 938, p. 289-300 (SCOPUS)

1) Патент на корисну модель UA 124344 (U) МПК від 10.04.2018. № заявки u201708810 від 04.09.2017

2) Патент на корисну модель UA 125698 (U) МПК від 25.05.2018. № заявки u201711310 від 20.11.2017

3) Патент на корисну модель UA 125922 (U) МПК від 27.07.2018. № заявки u20171170 від 22.12.2017

4) Свідоцтво про реєстрацію авторського права на твір, від 01.04.2019 № 87363

5) Патент на корисну модель UA 147273 (U) МПК від 28.04.2021. № заявки u202005655 від 02.09.2020

Scientific interests: methods of main traffic management, synthesis of complex systems.

Evening building, room 314
phones: 050-30-22-071
e-mail: kuchuk56@ukr.net, Heorhii.Kuchuk@khpi.edu.ua
