Heorhii Hrianyk
Position: Lecturer
Discipline names:

1) Computer networks

2) Programming for corporate networks (Engl.)

3) Programming of microprocessors

Information about scientific activities:

1) Chernykh O. P., Hryanuk H.H., Bondarenko Y.K. Navigation based on augmented reality // Abstracts of the 12th International scientific and practical conference “Science, innovations and education: problems and prospects” (June 28-30, 2022) CPN Publishing Group, Tokyo, Japan. 2022. – pp. 302-304. – ISBN 978-4-9783419-3-8.

2) Chernykh O.P., Hryanuk H.H., Bondarenko Y.K. Application of the ray tracing method to simulate realistic scenes in a video game // Proceedings of the Twenty-second International Scientific and Technical Conference “Problems of Informatics and Modeling (PIM-2022)”, November 09-14, 2022 – Kharkiv: NTU “KHPI.” – P. 77.

3) Chernykh O.P., Hryanuk H.H., Bondarenko Y.K Differences and additional techniques of game animation // The 3rd International scientific and practical conference “Science and technology: problems, prospects and innovations” (December 14-16, 2022) CPN Publishing Group, Osaka, Japan. 2022. – Pp. 182-185. – ISBN 978-4-9783419-1-4

Scientific interests: Development and application of applications in augmented reality
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phones: тел. 707-61-65, м.т. 0993770442