Congratulations to Our Colleague on His Achievement!

On December 12, 2024, during the meeting of the Specialized Academic Doctoral Council D 64.050.03 at NTU “KhPI,” a public defense of the doctoral dissertation by the Head of the Research Department and Associate Professor of the Department of Ceramic, Refractories, Glass, and Enamels Technology, Ruslan Viktorovych Kryvobok, took place.

The topic of Ruslan Kryvobok’s dissertation was “Theoretical bases of ceramic materials technology based on RO-Al2O3-SiO2 system for aerospace engineering.” The defended dissertation addresses a critical scientific and practical problem—developing a concept, as well as the physicochemical foundations and technology, for ceramic materials for aerospace applications with a combination of improved and stable electrophysical, electrodynamic, and operational properties based on aluminosilicate oxide systems.

Ruslan Viktorovych has become the seventh Doctor of Science at the Department of Ceramic Technology, proudly continuing the department’s traditions of preparing highly qualified specialists.

We optimistically bid farewell to 2024, a year in which our department saw the successful defense of one doctoral dissertation and four Ph.D. dissertations.

We warmly congratulate Doctor of Technical Sciences Ruslan Viktorovych Kryvobok and wish him further scientific success!

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