Відкрита зустріч у рамках акредитації магістра

Відкрита зустріч відбудеться 23 вересня в 10.20 в онлайн форматі на плаформі Zoom. Приєднатися можна за посиланням: Topic: Відкрита зустріч. ЄДЕБО 5987, НТУ “Харківський політехнічний інститут”, ОП “185 Нафтогазова інженерія та теRead More…

Popular practical courses on special software programs start in October

For an in-depth study of programs and methods from Karpatygas, Ukrniigaz, Ukrnafata, Schlumberger and key modern technologies and concepts of the oil and gas industry, all 3-5 year students from this fall (we are renewing again, which did not work for some time due to quarantines), we invite you to join additional paid electives – trainings that did not work in the department for some time due to Read More…

Visit our educational and research blogs. Welcome!

Our main bloggers of the department Prof. Biletsky VS and Assoc P. Fyk MI prepared and ready to provide you with the best information in blog feeds: Наші головні блогери кафедри проф. БІлецький В.С. та доц. Фик М.І. підготували та готові надати Вам найкращу інформацію в стрічках блогівRead More…

Attention, the 4th issue of the journal “Geotechnologies” is being prepared. Увага, готується 4-те число журналу “Геотехнології”

A specialized scientific and technical journal has been launched at the department “Geotechnology”, which received ISSN 2616-8839, is located on the repository NTU “KhPI”. 3 issues of the magazine have been published, the fourth is being prepared and is being printed approbation scientific works, teachers and scientists of KhPI, partners, the best works of postgraduate and undergraduate studentRead More…

About bachelor’s degree

The educational and professional bachelor’s degree program is designed for students who aspire to become specialists in the field of engineering and scientific activities in oil and gas engineering and technology. The main advantage of the bachelor’s program is the focus on the formation of the widest possible scientific and technical worldview of the future professional. The program is balanced Read More…