International Activity

The Department of Electrical Machines of NTU “KhPI” actively participates in the establishment and development of international relations. In particular, in the period from August 2015 to the present, there has been an active fruitful cooperation with the Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg, according to existing agreements.

Cooperation Agreement Cooperation Agreement
Cooperation Agreement Cooperation Agreement. 2nd part









Cooperation Agreement 2020 Cooperation Agreement 2020

Official journey of young scientists of the department of Electrical Machines of NTU “KhPI” to Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg at the Department of Electrical Drives Systems from January 25 to February 02, 2020.

This time the city of Magdeburg greeted us with beautiful New Year’s outfits and there was still a sense of celebration in the air.

Magdeburg 2020

Magdeburg 2020

Magdeburg 2020

Magdeburg 2020

Magdeburg 2020

Magdeburg 2020

During the stay at Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg, employees of the Electrical Machines department, associate professor, PhD Masliennikov A.M., associate professor, PhD Yehorov A.V., associate professor, PhD Duniev O.O. worked in the laboratory of the Electrical Drives Systems department as usual actively and, after planning the experiments, drawing up the scheme of the experimental installation, conducted tests of the a transverse magnetic flux electrical machine. Research was carried out for different rotational speeds in the generator mode.

Based on the research results, a modernized design of a transverse magnetic flux electrical machine was developed and its 3D model was created, as well as abstracts of a report were prepared for participation in a scientific international online conference to be held in Vancouver (Canada) in English.

In the laboratory of Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg of the Department of Electrical Drives Systems on the photo (from left to right): Zhulin Oleksandr – master’s student of the Department of Electrical Drives Systems, Duniev Oleksii, Andrii Yehorov- associate professors of the Department of “Electric Machines”

Associate professors of the Department of Electrical Machines of NTU “KhPI” in the laboratory of the Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg of the Department of Electrical Drives Systems during experiments. In the photo (from left to right): Duniev Oleksii Duniev, Andrii Yehorov, Andrii Masliennikov

Department of Electrical drives systems of the Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg is very international, it employs scientists from around the world on state exchange programs funded from the country’s budget

We were able to meet such scientist, who came on exchange program between two universities of Germany and Uzbekistan – Ishnazarov Oibek Khairlaevich, Institute of Energy of the Academy of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Tashkent), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Deputy of Director of Science (on the photo – second from the left).

We exchanged contacts with pleasure and invited him to the future IEEE international conference, which will be held in October 2020 at NTU “KhPI” in Kharkiv, and invited his applicants to enter our department.

International acquaintances in the laboratory of the Magdeburg University of the Department of Electrical Drives Systems. On the photo (from left to right): Yehorov Andrii – Associate Professor of the Department of Electrical Machines at NTU “KhPI”, Ishnazarov Oibek – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Deputy Director of Science, Masliennikov Andrii – Associate Professor of the Department of Electrical Machines at NTU “KhPI”, Duniev Oleksii – Associate Professor of the Department of Electrical Machines NTU “KhPI”.

In the laboratory of the Magdeburg University of the Department of Electrical Drives Systems. On the photo (from left to right): Stamann Mario (Dr.-Ing. of the Magdeburg University, Department of Electrical Drives Systems), Yehorov Andrii (Associate Professor of the Department of Electrical Machines NTU “KhPI”), Zhulin Oleksandr (Master student of the Department of Electrical Drives Systems), Andrii Masliennikov (Associate Professor of the Department of Electrical Machines of NTU “KhPI”)

To continue fruitful cooperation, an Agreement on scientific and creative cooperation was concluded for the period from 2020 to 2025 on the topic: “Development of the theory and research of transverse magnetic flux electrical machines” within the agreement between the Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg and the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”, dated April 2, 1993.

Official journey for young scientists of the Department “Electrical Machines” NTU “KhPI” at the Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg to the department “Electrical Drives Systems”.

Within the international cooperation between NTU “KhPI” and Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg (Germany, Magdeburg) 2019 began with a ten-day Official journey (20.01-30.01) of a group of young scientists and a student of the Department of Electrical Machines to the Department of Electrical Drives Systems, consisting of: Associate Professor Masliennikov A.M., Associate Professor Duniev O.O., Associate Professor Yehorov A.V., student Bredun R.V.

<a href=” Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg was founded in 1993 and is one of the youngest universities in Germany. The university has about 14,000 students in nine faculties. It is named after the physicist (and Mayor of Magdeburg) Otto von Guericke, famous for his experiments with the Magdeburg hemispheres.

The former Technical University of Magdeburg (Technical School of Magdeburg), a teacher training college and a medical school were merged into the university. The university now consists of nine faculties.

Report of research results

Report of research results

During the official journey, young scientists got acquainted with the manufactured samples of transverse magnetic flux electrical generators, made a presentation on the development of the magnetic system and its design features.

In the laboratory of the “Electrical Drives Systems” department on the photo (from left to right): Mario Stamann, Andrii Yehorov, Oleksii Duniev

The cultural program was a trip to Amsterdam. The weather in this city is very changeable, so in one day there were showers, the sun and a powerful wind. Very beautiful and unusual city library.

Near the city library of Amsterdam from left to right on the photo: 5-th year student Bredun R.V., Assoc. Prof. Yehorov A.V., Assoc. Prof. Duniev O.O., Assoc. Prof. Masliennikov A.M.

Near the city library of Amsterdam from left to right on the photo: 5-th year student Bredun R.V., Assoc. Prof. Yehorov A.V., Assoc. Prof. Duniev O.O., Assoc. Prof. Masliennikov A.M.

View of Amsterdam from the library window

View of Amsterdam from the library window

Interior of the library in Amsterdam

Interior of the library in Amsterdam

All the houses of the ancient cultural center have an interesting architecture and are very narrow in their structure, and the walls of some of them are already very far from the vertical line, but as people say: "it's better to see once ..."

All the houses of the ancient cultural center have an interesting architecture and are very narrow in their structure, and the walls of some of them are already very far from the vertical line, but as people say: “it’s better to see once …”

The city of Amsterdam is rightfully the cycling capital, as evidenced not only by the number of bicycles in road traffic, but also by the number and scale of bike parking.

This is a bike parking

This is a bike parking

One of the many canals in Amsterdam

One of the many canals in Amsterdam

Electric vehicles in Amsterdam

Electric vehicles in Amsterdam

In the city, there are various types and modifications of electric vehicles, which are the means of daily use.

Magdeburg summer 2017

Magdeburg summer 2017

From August 01 to August 08, 2017, the 5-th trip of the research group of NTU “KhPI” to Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg (OvGU) took place, consisting of: Assoc. Prof., Ph.D. Masliennikov A.M., Senior Lecturer, Ph.D. Duniev O.O., Senior Lecturer, Ph.D. Yehorov A.V., student Pushkarev V.I. Many thanks for organizing the trip to Dr.-Ing. Stefan Palis and M.Sc. Evgen Golovin.
Active work of prof. Roberto Leidhold allowed to organize an excursion to Enercon GmbH, one of the main manufacturers of wind turbines in the world, the largest manufacturer of wind turbines in Germany. Enercon held 50.3% of the German market in 2007 and 14% of the global wind turbine market in 2008 [Wikipedia].

On the photo from left to right representatives (OvGU): Dmitry Lagunov, Mario Stamann, Andreas Bannack, Roberto Leidhold and NTU KhPI: Andrii Masliennikov, Vladislav Pushkarev, Andrii Yehorov, Oleksii Duniev.

On the photo from left to right representatives (OvGU): Dmitry Lagunov, Mario Stamann, Andreas Bannack, Roberto Leidhold and NTU KhPI: Andrii Masliennikov, Vladislav Pushkarev, Andrii Yehorov, Oleksii Duniev.

All delegation group

All delegation group

On the photo from left to right: Dmitro Lagunov (OvGU), Vlad Pushkarev, Andrii Yehorov, Oleksii Duniev, photo by Andrey Masliennikov. Waiting for the excursion guide

On the photo from left to right: Dmitro Lagunov (OvGU), Vlad Pushkarev, Andrii Yehorov, Oleksii Duniev, photo by Andrey Masliennikov. Waiting for the excursion guide

Within the walls of the University, research, design and experimental work was carried out:

Replacing the winding and installing its frame insulation

Replacing the winding and installing its frame insulation

Assembling the generator and checking permanent magnets with a teslometer

СAssembling the generator and checking permanent magnets with a teslometer

On the experiments:

On the photo from left to right: Dmitro Lagunov, Andrii Yehorov, Oleksii Duniev, Sebastian Hieke (OvGU)

On the photo from left to right: Dmitro Lagunov, Andrii Yehorov, Oleksii Duniev, Sebastian Hieke (OvGU)

На фото зліва на право: Лагунов Дмитро, Єгоров Андрій, Дунєв Олексій, Sebastian Hieke (OvGU)

На фото зліва на право: Лагунов Дмитро, Єгоров Андрій, Дунєв Олексій, Sebastian Hieke (OvGU)

The working process

The working process

In 2016, in the period from 22.01 to 01.02, a winter trip of a scientific group of employees to the Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg took place. At the meeting, employees of the Department of Electrical Machines of NTU “KhPI” made a report and presented the results of a three-dimensional modeling of a low-speed generator, the task for which they received in August 2015. Based on the results of the meeting, the cooperation agreement was extended, as well as an agreement on the manufacture of an experimental model of the generator. With the director of the Institute of Electrical Drives Systems, prof. R. Leidhold an oral agreement was concluded on consultation of Master Students of the Department of Electrical Machines at the University of Magdeburg.

Magdeburg Winter 2016

Preparation for the report of the staff of the Department of Electrical Machines on the study of low-speed generators (on the photo from left to right: Duniev O.O. Pliugin V.E., Masliennikov A.M., Stamann Mario)

Preparation for the report of the staff of the Department of Electrical Machines on the study of low-speed generators (on the photo from left to right: Duniev O.O. Pliugin V.E., Masliennikov A.M., Stamann Mario)

Report and discussion

Report and discussion

Segway - the development of the Department of Electrical Drives Systems of the Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg (on the photo from left to right: Duniev O.O., Yehorov A.V., Masliennikov A.M., Leidhold Roberto, Pliugin V.E.)

Segway – the development of the Department of Electrical Drives Systems of the Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg (on the photo from left to right: Duniev O.O., Yehorov A.V., Masliennikov A.M., Leidhold Roberto, Pliugin V.E.)

An electric car is not just a dream, but an ordinary pizza delivery :)

An electric car is not just a dream, but an ordinary pizza delivery 🙂

In the period 24-31.07.2015 a group of researchers of the department consisting of: Assoc. Masliennikov A.M., Assoc. Pliugin V.E., Lecturer assistant Yehorov A.V., Lecturer assistant Duniev O.O. visited the Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg (Magdeburg, Germany). Based on the results of the meeting with the director of the Institute of Electrical Drives Systems prof. R. Leidhold signed an agreement on cooperation in the development of low-speed generators.Magdeburg Summer 2015

Laboratory of the Department of Electrical Drives Systems of Magdeburg University (Magdeburg, Germany) (on the photo from left to right: Yehorov A.V., Duniev O.O., Masliennikov A.M., Leidhold Roberto, Pliugin V.E.)

Laboratory of the Department of Electrical Drives Systems of Magdeburg University (Magdeburg, Germany) (on the photo from left to right: Yehorov A.V., Duniev O.O., Masliennikov A.M., Leidhold Roberto, Pliugin V.E.)

Also in the period 02-07.08.2015 a group of researchers of the department in the same group visited the Czech Technical University (Prague, Czech Republic). According to the results of the meeting with the head of the department of “Electrical drives and traction mechanisms” Prof. J. Latl reached an agreement to use the Ansys Maxwell software package to carry out scientific work of students and scientists of the Department of Electrical Machines.

Computer class at the Czech Technical University

Computer class at the Czech Technical University

Stand of electrical machines in the laboratory workshop of the Czech Technical University (on the photo from left to right: Karl, Pliugin V.E., Masliennikov A.M., Duniev O.O.)

Stand of electrical machines in the laboratory workshop of the Czech Technical University (on the photo from left to right: Karl, Pliugin V.E., Masliennikov A.M., Duniev O.O.)

An agreement for 2012-2014 period on German-Ukrainian cooperation with the Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg “Development and use of electrical machines with high torque and low speed using new materials” was concluded.

Employees of the department during the program of experience exchange in Magdeburg (Germany)

Employees of the department during the program of experience exchange in Magdeburg (Germany)

Visiting the international exhibition in Hannover by the staff of the department

Visiting the international exhibition in Hannover by the staff of the department

Professor Fateh Besso from Syria, who had an internship at the Department of Electrical Machines, with the educators of the Department

Professor Fateh Besso from Syria, who had an internship at the Department of Electrical Machines, with the educators of the Department

Prof. Dr. Marcio Zambroti Fortes from Brazil (Universidade Federal Fluminense), who visited the Department of Electrical Machines in order to exchange work experience, with the teachers of the Department and the Dean of the E-Faculty

Prof. Dr. Marcio Zambroti Fortes from Brazil (Universidade Federal Fluminense), who visited the Department of Electrical Machines in order to exchange work experience, with the teachers of the Department and the Dean of the E-Faculty

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