History of the department

At the first soap factory (Kharkiv) a workshop was organized for the production of combustible mixture, in order to set fire to tanks. This was the first in our country industrial production of self-igniting liquids. The consultant of this work was Professor B.N. Tyutyunnikov, production manager S.P. Ostrin. During the evacuation of the XXTI in the city of Chirchik (end of 1941-1943) the research needs took into account the needs of the industry of Uzbekistan on the basis of the use of its raw material base. For example, Professor GL Yukhnovsky performed a study of bentonite clays in Uzbekistan for their use as bleaches. The results were implemented at a soap factory in Tashkent. He also developed a method of obtaining drying oils from cottonseed oil. On behalf of the All-Union Research Institute of Fats under the leadership of Professor BN Tyutyunikov developed methods and provided assistance to Central Asian plants in mastering the production of soaps filled with clay.

The results of the work were implemented at the Katta – Kurgan soap factory. For agriculture of Uzbekistan, Professor B.N. Tyutyunnikov and Professor S.S. Urazovsky performed research on the search for chemical means of combating worms. Research work of the department headed by B.N. Tyutyunnikov in the first postwar years (1945-1956) is closely associated with the pressing problems of industry. From the first days of the return of XXTI to the city of Kharkiv, the staff of the Department of Fat Technology has been involved in providing assistance to enterprises that are recovering after their destruction. For example, technical assistance was provided (Assoc. Prof. M.P. Bespyatov) to the first Kharkiv soap factory in the design and construction of a toilet soap shop.

Technical assistance was also provided to the hydraulic plant (Kharkiv). During this period, until the mid-1950s, work was carried out in three main areas: hydrogenation of fats, soap making and drying. Of great national and economic importance was the implementation on the initiative of B.N. Tyutyunnikov and with his participation the method of continuous hydrogenation of fats.

Associate Professor MK took part in the development of this method by the department. Yakubov and engineers of the Kharkiv fat factory: А.М. Zharsky, T.M. Novikova , С.D. Kopylenko, G.I. Teslenko, I.I. Okrugov, T.I. Smooth, etc. The method was successfully implemented at the Kharkiv Fat Factory, and then at all major hydrogenation plants in the Soviet Union.

Due to a significant increase in labor productivity in factories during their transition to a continuous method, there was no need to build 7 designed enterprises, worth 11 million rubles. The economic effect of using this method (until 1980) amounted to 40 million rubles. For this work in 1968 the State Prize of the USSR was awarded to prof. B.N. Tyutyunnikov, engineers of the Kharkiv fat factory A.M. Zharsky, T.M. Novikova, S.D. Kopylenko, G.I. Teslenka.

The second direction of work of the same period belongs to the field of soap making. Along with theoretical research, actively conducted by Associate Professor M.P. Bespyatov developed a set of technological works that gave widely used results in industry. Of these, it should be noted the design of devices TNB-1 and TNB-2 (authors B.N. Tyutyunnikov, P.V. Naumenko, M.P. Bespyatov) for continuous cooking of household soap using waste production – carbon dioxide to obtain food carbon dioxide. Professor B.N. Tyutyunnikov and associate professor M.P. Bespyatov developed and implemented new equipment for the production of washing powders at the Kharkiv Soap Factory №3. In the field of drying, work was carried out in the direction of replacing edible oils for these purposes with synthetic materials.

A significant achievement was the development of the recipe and method of manufacturing synthetic drying oil based on petroleum bitumen, the so-called YUZHNII varnish for anti-corrosion coatings on metal. For the development of this varnish prof. B.N. Tyutyunnikov and Assoc. Department of Z.I. Buchstab in 1949 were awarded diplomas of the Ministry of Construction and their work was recognized as a prize of the Ministry of Construction, and then in connection with the widespread introduction of varnish at the rebuilt plant Zaporizhstal B.N. Tyutyunnikov and Assoc.

Department of ZI The headquarters were awarded medals “For the restoration of ferrous metallurgy of the south.” During the period after the restoration of HPI (fifties and eighties), the work of the department was carried out in 4 main areas: processing of fats, soap making, synthetic fatty acids, alcohols and detergents, fat extraction.

In 1956, the department organized a state budget laboratory of fat chemistry, which had 14 employees (supervisor Prof. B.N. Tyutyunnikov, leading employees, Ph.D. I.E. Paper and Novitskaya, later Ph.D. IV Bogdan, Ph.D. IM Demidov, L.V. Gasyuk, Ph.D. V.K. Timchenko, A.K. Zyabchenkova). In the field of hydrogenation, theoretical studies were conducted on the mechanism of hydrogenation, the action of catalysts, as well as work in the direction of obtaining solid fats with specified properties on the basis of hydrogenation and transesterification. Of particular interest are the works performed by Assoc. І.В. Bogdan, L.I. Grechishnikova, Ph.D. IT. Paper.

In the field of soap-making, work was carried out to improve the process of fat breakdown, to study the properties of soap solutions, and to elucidate the mechanism of detergent action. This work at the department until 1968. headed by Ph.D. M.P. Bespyatov. He developed the Kharkiv School of Physical Chemistry of Detergents. In 1966, M.P. Bespyatov defended his doctoral dissertation. He was the author of more than 100 scientific papers and inventions, the vast majority of which have been implemented in industry.

After the creation of the specialization “Synthetic fat substitutes and detergents” at the department in 1949, the work in two directions was widely developed: the production of synthetic fatty acids and synthetic detergents. Professor B.N. Tyutyunnikov took an active part in the design, commissioning and development of the first plant in the Soviet Union of synthetic fatty acids in the city of Shebekino (Belgorod region) and then in the design of the same plant in the city of Volgodonsk (Rostov region).

Studies have developed to study the mechanism of paraffin oxidation. Together with the graduate of the department A.A. Perchenko, B.N. Tyutyunnikov creates a new catalyst instead of deficient potassium permanganate. The result of further research in this area was Fr.keeping economically more profitable catalysts, which are implemented at Shebekino and Volgodonsk chemical plants. Theoretical and practical work on the study of hydrocarbon oxidation accelerators under the guidance of B.N. Tyutyunnikov performed Ph.D. L.I. Perevalov and I.M. Demidov.