International activities
The European Union program for the period 2014-2020, which supports mobility, cooperation projects, partnerships and activities in the field of education, training, youth and sports. Together with more than 150 countries, Ukraine is one of the Erasmus + partner countries. The member countries of the Program are EU member states, members of the European Economic Union (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway) and candidate countries for accession to the EU (Northern Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey). The programme’s budget for 2014-2020 is € 14.7 billion.
The academic mobility of KA1 aims to promote the international mobility of students, teachers and employees of higher education institutions.
Participation in the program is a great opportunity for students and academic staff to study or train at the best universities in Europe, develop their skills, compare educational methods, master a foreign language and gain invaluable life experience.
Who can participate? Students (bachelors, starting from the second year of study, masters), graduate students, teachers and administrative staff
Mobility terms for:
students – from 3 to 12 months
teachers and administrative staff – from 5 days to 2 months
Participants receive financial support / scholarship, which covers all expenses for transport and accommodation abroad. The period of study abroad, as well as the received credits, should be credited by the native university.
The partner of the Department of Oil, Gas and Solid Fuel Processing Technology within the Erasmus + project is the Department of Oil and Gas Engineering (Petroleum and Natural gas engineering) of Istanbul Technical University since 2019.