Descriptive geometry, engineering and computer graphics


Specialty: F3 – Computer Science (122).
Branch: Information Technology.
Level of education: Bachelor, Master.

Specialty F3 “Computer Science” (122), educational program – “Computer Science. Modeling, Design and Computer Graphics” (ICM, NTU “KhPI”), is aimed at training specialists who are able to solve complex specialized tasks and practical problems in the field of computer science; apply mathematical methods, algorithms and software in the development and support of information technologies; design, develop, implement and support intelligent systems, in particular, systems for engineering modeling, data analysis and processing, computer visualization and graphic information processing.


The main focus of the educational program is on the comprehensive training of specialists who have a deep understanding and high qualifications in aspects of computer science, focused on the conceptual design of mathematical and algorithmic models and their practical implementation in the form of program code, as well as on the development of modern modeling techniques and computer graphics to create high-quality and realistic visualizations. Significant attention is paid to mastering modern tools for modeling, design, development, integration and technical support of IT products and services, including systems for effective storage, analysis and processing of data.

Program Features. The educational program “Computer Science. Modeling, Design and Computer Graphics” implements a logically structured approach that combines comprehensive mathematical training, developed skills in the field of information technology and programming, focusing on the use of algorithms for data analysis and calculations, and integrates the application of visualization and graphic design in design and modeling.
The corresponding structural parts of the educational program form a logical system where the acquired mathematical knowledge and IT competencies are effectively used to solve complex problems in the field of modern information technology and engineering.
The educational program offers students flexibility in choosing individual learning paths through a rich selection of profiled packages of educational components, covering advanced areas such as:

  • modern application design and programming (profiled package – Design, creation and analysis of computer systems),
  • process modeling, data processing and analysis (profiled package – Process modeling, data processing and analysis),
  • computer graphics (profiled package – Geometric modeling and graphic information technologies),
  • artificial intelligence combined with robotics (profiled package – Intelligent and robotic systems),
  • augmented reality (profiled package – Augmented reality technologies).

During their studies, students also have the opportunity to personally choose disciplines outside the profiled packages that meet their interests and career goals in areas such as software development and management, in particular for specialized systems such as UAVs, mathematical modeling and data analytics, modeling in the field of computer graphics and visualization systems, studying the latest technologies of augmented reality, helping them to form a unique set of professional skills and knowledge.
Project work, which is a key element of the educational program, focuses on the development of real team IT projects in cooperation with leading companies in the industry, in order to provide students with deep practical skills and professional experience. Possibility of studying individual disciplines in English, or entirely in English in groups with foreign students.