Educational program: 122 “COMPUTER SCIENCES”
The main goal of the educational activities of NTU “KhPI” in the specialty 122 “Computer Sciences” at the educational qualification level of higher education “bachelor” is to provide professional training to specialists capable of conducting theoretical and experimental research in the field of computer science; apply mathematical methods, algorithms and software in the development and maintenance of information technologies for modeling, design, management and decision-making; develop, implement and maintain intelligent systems, in particular, systems for analyzing and processing data, cognitive and service-oriented intelligent systems, while ensuring the protection of digital intellectual property rights at the early stages of developing software products and information technologies.
Competition proposal: “COMPUTER SCIENCES” (training period – 4 years, volume – 240 credits)
Educational and qualification level of graduates: Bachelor
General professional training of bachelors in the specialty:
The content of the general professional training of bachelors in the specialty 122 “Computer Sciences” in the specializations of the department “Computer Sciences and Intellectual Property” NTU “KhPI” meets the requirements for educational programs of preparation “Bachelor of Computer Science” (BCSc) in most leading universities in the world, set out in the current manual for BCSc programming, as recommended by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and IEEE Computer Society Joint Curriculum Working Group (
The main disciplines of general and vocational training in the specialty:
- Mathematical analysis, algebra and geometry
- Discrete mathematics, probability theory and mathematical statistics
- Algorithms and data structures, programming basics
- Object-Oriented and Cross-Platform Programming,
- Web-based Basics
- Database organization
- Computer graphics and 3D modeling
- Digital circuitry and computer architecture
- Computer networks
- Operating systems and system programming
- Analysis and design of algorithms
- Computer modeling of processes and systems
- Information protection and cybersecurity
- Software engineering
Curriculum for Bachelors’ degree in “Computer Science”
Specializations of the department (Selective blocks):
Data and Knowledge Engineering)
Main special educational disciplines:
- Methods and tools for computational mathematics, data analysis and visualization
- Java Fundamentals and Web Technologies, Web Application Business Logic Development
- Service-oriented architecture and cloud computing
- Machine learning technologies and tools
- Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision
- Mathematical Methods for Operations Research and Decision Making
- Distributed and Parallel Programming Basics
- Design of consolidated information systems
Specialization characteristics:
The object of training in the specialization is software for the digital environment for the consolidation of information in the data life cycle, service-oriented architecture and programming, methods and tools for soft integration and consolidation of heterogeneous data / content, analytical, algorithmic and software resources, interfaces, workstations and management processes of software infrastructure of data processing systems, methods and software for data mining and modeling for the implementation of Web services based on cloud computing, distributed and mobile technologies, Big Data analytics, Data Science and Machine Learning, socialization and information protection technologies, and the like.
The subject of training in the specialization is conceptual design, development of methods, technologies and tools for engineering data and knowledge for access to open both structured and unstructured knowledge, which must be properly selected in a special way, filtered from information noise, structured or/and restructured, highlighted, interpreted, compressed and saved, analyzed, evaluated, reformatted and presented in the form of knowledge suitable for ensuring decision-making, solving problems and meeting the information needs of a particular clientele or social group, which otherwise are not able to effectively and efficiently access this knowledge because, that it is difficult to access in its primary form and is distributed over many information resources.
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Main special educational disciplines:
- Introduction to artificial intelligence
- Fundamentals of the theory of formal systems
- Artificial neural networks
- Machine learning technologies and tools
- Design of consolidated information systems
- Fundamentals of Decision Theory
- Cognitive computing
Specialization characteristics:
The object of specialization training is software that reproduces mathematical methods and algorithms for cognitive computation.
The subject of training in the specialization is methods, algorithms and tools for processing unstructured information and sensory perception of the environment, artificial neural networks, information technologies for consolidating information and presenting knowledge at all stages of the data life cycle, other technologies and artificial intelligence tools that simulate the behavior of the human brain for decision making and pattern recognition.
Intellectual Property in Software and Hardware Engineering
Main special educational disciplines:
- Globalization of Intellectual Property in a Digital Society
- Information and analytical support of digital innovations (patent analytics and forecasting)
- Legal protection of digital intellectual property
- Trade secrets in software and computer engineering
Specialization characteristics:
The object of specialization training is objects of intellectual property law, including software, digital multimedia content, inventions and utility models for software, systems engineering and circuit solutions, industrial designs, know-how, trademarks, computer programs, databases, websites, brand names and domain names, topologies of integrated microcircuits, and others “digital” objects of intellectual property, which identify the ownership of the means of environment for consolidating information in the data lifecycle, and its content.
The subject of training in specialization is methods, technologies and means of identifying digital intellectual property objects, conducting patent and information and analytical research of software and information technologies to create conditions for the protection of intellectual property rights at the early stages of software products developing and other objects of digital intellectual property for the purpose of their use in the digital environment in global information technology markets.

Programming languages and technologies studied at the department
The competitive advantages of the department’s specializations are the combination of training with in-depth practical training, internship and professional training:
- in general with the companies of the Kharkov IT cluster ( Information technology incubator «ІТ2»
- at the Scientific and Educational Center “Digital Intellectual Property”, created at the department together with the Scientific Research Institute of Intellectual Property of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine (,
- in the Academic Competence Center of the world leader of the IT industry, the company ІВМ, which works at the department and gives students the opportunity to take part in numerous international academic projects, competitions and internships in the leading ІВМ RnD centers ( )
Graduates of the department work as developers of software and databases as components of cloud services for information consolidation with in-depth competencies in the field of intellectual property, analysts and software testers, specialists in computer graphics (design), etc. in most of the companies of the Kharkov IT cluster, the founders and members of which are the Kharkov IT companies Altexsoft, INSART, Promodo, Videal and others, as well as at the enterprises of the leaders of the Ukrainian IT industry, members of the Association “Information and Technologies of Ukraine” (, including EPAM Systems, SoftServe, GlobalLogic, Ciklum, NIX Solutions, DataArt, Oracle and others, which have thousands of current vacancies for employment (