There are foreign students that are training at the department of information-measuring techniques and systems


Postgraduate student of the second year of training Shiban Tamer (Lebanon). Theme of dissertation work: “Eddy current (electromagnetic) multi-parameter transducer with spatially periodic field for control of cylindrical products.” Specialty 152 – Metrology and information-measuring technology.

Scientific adviser: Doctor of technical sciences, professor Gorkunov B.M.

The aim of the work is to develop a method for joint determination of magnetic permeability, specific electrical conductivity and product radius based on transducers with spatially periodic magnetic fields.


Post-graduate student of the first year of study Al Abbasi Zhabbar Zhasim Ahmed (Iraq)

Theme of the dissertation work: “Electromagnetic transducers for monitoring mechanical stress in metal products” Specialty 152 – Metrology and information-measuring technology.

Scientific adviser: Doctor of technical sciences, professor Gorkunov B.M.

The aim of the work is to create electromagnetic methods and converters realizing mentioned method to control mechanical stresses in metal products.


Applicant for admission to postgraduate study at NTU “KhPI” Wu Xuan Vyong (Vietnam)

Theme of the proposed dissertation work: “Development of multiparameter eddy current control based on spectral analysis of the output signal of the sensor”.

Specialty 152 – Metrology and information-measuring technology.

Scientific adviser: Doctor of technical sciences, professor Gorkunov B.M.