Editorial Board


The editor-in-chief Tovazhnyanskyy L.L.,

Honorary Rector of the NTU”KhPI”, the head of the Integrated Technology,
 Process and Equipment department of the NTU”KhPI”,
 Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor.

The executive secretaryGorbunov K.O.,
Assistant Professor of the Integrated Technology,
Process and Equipment department of the NTU”KhPI”,
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant Professor.

The members of the editorial board:

Meshalkin V.P.,
Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor,
the head of the department of Logistics and Economical Information
Science of the D. Mendeleyev Russia Chemical Technology University, Moscow (Russia);

Ferst D.B., BA,
the general director, F. Executive Co. (Great Britain);

Klemesh J.,PhD,
professor, DSc (Hon) of the University of Pannonia (Veszprem, Hungary)
and the University of Manchester (Great Britain);

Pleshu B.,
professor, Polytechnic University of Bucharest (Romania)

Stechlik P.,
PhD, professor, the University of Technology (Brno, Czech Republic);

Anipko O.B.,
professor of the Kozhedub Kharkiv Air Force University,
Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor;

Sokol E.I.,
rector of the NTU”KhPI”,
the head of the Industrial and Biomedical Electronics department of the NTU”KhPI”,
Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor;

Kachanov P.O.,
the director of Automation and Management in
Technical Systems department of the NTU”KhPI”,
Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor;

Maliarenko B.A.,
professor of City Power Supply department of Kharkiv National Academy of Municipal Economy,
Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor;

Simbirskij D.F.,
professor of Aircraft and Rocket Engine Construction department of
National Aerospace University named after N.E. Zhukovskiy “KhAI”,
Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor;

Jakovlev S.V.,
the head of Management and Information department of Kharkiv National University
of Internal Affairs, Doctor of Physical-Mathematician Sciences, professor;

Matzevitii Ju.M.,
A.N. Podgorny Machine Building
Problem Institute of the NAS of Ukraine, Kharkiv;

Ved V.E.,
professor of Integrated Technology,
Process and Machine department of the NTU”KhPI”, Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor;

Kapustenko P.O.,
professor of Integrated Technology,
Process and Machine department of the NTU”KhPI”,
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Academician of Ukraine Building Academy.

Arsenyeva O.P.

professor of Integrated Technology,
Process and Machine department of the NTU”KhPI”, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Assistant Professor;