Research work

The research work of the department is aimed to improve the educational process. Such work is carried out in the following areas: organization of course material in didactic aspect; scientific and professional communication; innovative teaching methods implementation in teaching mathematics, computer science, physics, chemistry, drafting, economics,  biology, university education,  and creating and developing distance learning courses.

In 2015, the department joined the international project “Horizon – 2020” in the area of popularization of science among foreign students. Within the framework of this topic, teachers of the department carry out activities to inform foreign students about the scientific achievements of NTU “KhPI” and Ukraine in general. Since 2015, the department has initiated a round table discussion where the pressing problems of popularizing science are discussed.
The department develops distance courses in all subjects taught in order to give foreigners the opportunity to study and improve their knowledge of the natural science cycle at home. The materials include a summary of the theoretical part, examples of problem solving in subjects, instructional videos, tests, control, module tasks, etc.

Students can work at home, complete assignments, and send them by e-mail to the department. The teacher checks, analyzes errors, evaluates completed tasks and, if necessary, offers to perform additional tasks. Student and teacher communication takes place via email, chat, Skype.

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