Course “Drawing”

Обласна олімпіада з графічної грамоти та технічного креслення | ІФОДЦНТТУМ

Drawing is the language of technique. (Gaspard Monge).

Drawing is the international graphic language of engineers. It is understandable to any engineer, no matter what language he speaks. A drawing is often also called a graphic means of conveying information, since it is a very laconic means of expressing technical thought.

Drawings are sent from factory to factory, from country to country. An engineer of any specialty, if he knows how to read drawings, will understand them, study the structure of the most complex machine or mechanism from them.

Residential buildings are being erected according to the drawings, dams, mines, power plants, railways and highways are being built. According to the drawings, they make clothes, sew shoes, make furniture, green cities and much more.

To master modern technologies and become a technically competent qualified engineer, you need to be able to read drawings and have a good knowledge of drawing.


Educational literature

  1. Havryliuk Y.R. Drawing: guidelines for foreign students of the first year of study. – Kharkiv, 2021. – 40 р.

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