XIII International Scientific and Technical Conference CSIT 2018 in Lviv

Leonid Lyubchik, Head of Computer Mathematics and Mathematical Modeling Department at NTU “KhPI”, took part in the XIII International Scientific and Technical Conference CSIT 2018 in Lviv (September 11-14, 2018). The topic is entitled “Decentralized Load Balancing Consensus Control in Distributed Computing Systems”.

The international conference Computer Sciences and Information Technologies, established in 2004, is annually organized with the principal aim to discuss modern trends in computer sciences, information technologies, applied linguistics and others related areas.
To promote science and technological excellence keynote speakers for CSIT 2018 were selected from research and academic institutions of Ukraine, Poland, Czech Republic, and Slovakia.

Also earlier Leonid Lyubchik made a report “Online Ranking Learning on Clusters” at the IEEE Second International Conference on Data Stream Mining & Processing in Lviv (August 21-25, 2018).

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