Cryobiology vessels


“Creation highly effective thermal protection of cryobiology vessels”

Work is performed by the professor of Zhun. On the basis of development highly effective thermal protection it was introduced in a mass production of 7 types of cryobiology vessels which according to the characteristics are at the level of world achievements. More than 160 thousand such devices are let out. One of vessels gained the diploma at the “Science of Harkovshchina — to Production” exhibition and is now shown at constantly operating exhibition NTU “HPI”.
In 2011 by results of these works prof. Zhun successfully defended the doctoral dissertation.

Background research

Modern and future progress in the development of many areas science, technology, medicine, animal husbandry, life support in solving problems largely attributed to the use of the phenomenon of superconductivity (in including high temperature), and ultra pure gases, which are obtained cryogenic methods, as well as technology and the introduction of hydrogen low-temperature processes in the energy sector. To do this you need to use a significant number of different cryogenic vials, and krioemkostey cryostat with the nizkoteploprovodnoy efficient thermal insulation for the construction of EVTІ to minimize the loss of them kapnuvshih cryoagents whose production characterized by large amounts of energy. Produced in Ukraine (but for abroad) in large quantities (8-10 thousand a year), and various cryogenic vials krioustroystva for livestock and other consumers were (at the beginning of this paper), and low-quality characterized by significant losses as a result of kapnuvshih cryoagents increased (in 11-12,7 times) thermal conductivity of the layers EVTІ compared with their minimum value for the calorimetric samples of insulation. The reasons for this were unknown to specialists because of the lack of proven theoretical relationships and proven approaches to experimental studies complex heat and mass transfer processes and methods for the determination of the heat leakage by structural elements krriososudov. In this regard, relevant are: development of computational, and theoretical and experimental methods and production original installations for research on the new features of the processes they teplomasoperenosu heat protective structures with bags EVTІ at cryogenic vials; for their help identify the causes of low efficiency vigotovlyaєmih riososudah; development of optimized designs and technologies to address important national economic problems in Ukraine – the Organisation for them at the Kharkov Plant transport equipment (HZTO) design and serial manufacturing cryobiological Dewar vessels (but based on these various energy-saving cryosystems) with thermal protection of the packages EVTІ on the temperature level of the liquid N2 with heat, vacuum and other characteristics of the world’s best analogs.