Scientific directions

The concept of the department establishing involves studying economic theory as the market economy through the prism of macro- and micro-levels investigating. The main task of this process is the development of the theoretical and methodological basis of economic science, the formation of the conceptual apparatus of modern market economy and the principles of a new economic culture.

The efforts of the academic stuff of the General Economic Theory Department are aimed at fundamental research and applied scientific and technical developments in the field of the market transformation issues in the national economy.

Among the comprehensive themes of the department, the following should be highlighted: «Institutional, innovative and investment factors of transformation and development of the Ukraine’s transitional economy» (2000-2007) and «Institutional factors of the Ukraine’s economy development» (from 2008 to the present day).

Scientists of the Department conduct research in the following areas:

  • «Transaction costs in the conditions of market transformation» (prof. S. Arkhiereev)
  • «Economic factors of dynamics» (associate professor F. Abramov)
  • «Institutional foundations of integrated logistics processes at enterprises» (associate professor N. Volosnikova)
  • «Features of transaction costs in the information economy» (associate professor N. Hubanova)
  • «Ukraine’s integration into the global economy» (associate professor S. Klymova)
  • «Problems of Ukraine’s integration into the world economic system» (professor I. Maksymenko)
  • «Labor market formation in Ukraine» (associate professor N. Reshetniak)
  • «Transaction costs of production services providing» (associate professor V. Yatsyna)
  • «Development Strategies of industrial production focused on markets with different levels of competition» (associate professor T. Diachenko).

Scientific achievements of the General Economic Theory Department academic staff are summarized and presented in the numerous research papers, abstracts in the collections of scientific and practical conferences, monographs, etc.

The academic staff of the department are the authors and co-authors of more than 20 educational and methodological guides and 20 monographs, about 400 scientific articles, more than 550 theses at the international scientific conferences.

The academic themes of the General Economic Theory Department:

  1. «Researching of the institutional aspects of corruption and the development of measures to prevent it». State registration No. 0105U000589. Academic supervisor – associate professor T. Ryabova. Term – 1.01.2005 – 31.03.2006.
  2. «Transaction costs of innovative activity in the conditions of market transformation» tate registration No. 0106U001521 Academic supervisor – prof. S. Arkhiereev. Term 01.24.2006–12.31.2006.
  3. «Analysis of the institutional transaction costs impact on the private enterprise economic activities». State registration number 0108U003170. Academic supervisor – prof. S. Arkhiereev. Term – 01.01.2008 – 31.12.2008.
  4. «Investigation of the business entities institutionalization in modern conditions». Academic supervisor – prof. S. Arkhiereev. Term – 01.11.2009 – 31.12.2010.
  5. «Improving methods of industrial enterprises transaction organizing». Academic supervisor – prof. S. Arkhiereev. Term – 01.06.2014 – 31.12.2014.
  6. «Analysis of the information costs impact on the enterprises efficiency». State registration No. 0115U001773 Academic supervisor – prof. S. Arkhiereev. Term – 01.07.2015 – 26.12.2015.
  7. «Institutional factors of development of the economy of Ukraine». State registration No. 0117U004725. Academic supervisor – prof. S. Arkhiereev. Term – 02.15.2017 – 02.15.2020.
  8. «Investigation of world economy modern trends and their impact on the national economy». State registration No. 0118U002337. Academic supervisor – prof. I. Maksimenko
  9. «Determining the institutional factors of the formal rules dynamics». State registration No. 0118U002338. Academic supervisor – associate professor F. Abramov. Term – 01.10.2018 – 01.10.2021.
  10. «Institutional foundations of the effective economic development of the Ukraine’s economy». State registration No. 0118U002338. Academic supervisor – prof. S. Arkhiereev. Term – 09.01.2021-08.31.2024.

The General Economic Theory Department traditionally organizes and conducts the following scientific conferences:

  1. All-Ukrainian Scientific and Theoretical Conference of Students and Graduate Students “Ukraine and the World: Humanitarian and Technical Elite and Social Progress”. Section: «Modern Problems of the Economic Development of Ukraine in the Conditions of Globalization».
  2. All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference «Slobozhan Scientific Readings: Socio-economic and Humanitarian -legal Dimensions»

You can find scientific publications of the staff of the General Economic Theory Department on:

Index of citations of works by scholars of the Scholar Academy department

Works of scientists of the department in the repository of the scientific library of NTU «KhPI»