
1. The preparation of higher education candidates for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy is carried out
– in graduate school for full-time, evening or part-time study;
Preparation of candidates for the degree of Doctor of Sciences is carried out:
– in doctoral studies at NTU “KhPI” full-time;
– by independently preparing their scientific achievements for defense.

2. Training of postgraduate and doctoral students is carried out:
at the expense of the state budget (by state order);
at the expense of legal entities or individuals (under the terms of the contract, in particular with grants received by the higher education institution (scientific institution) for research, which provides for the training of graduates of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy or Doctor of Science.

3. Admission to postgraduate and doctoral studies is carried out on a competitive basis in accordance with the Procedure for training graduates of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Science in higher educational institutions (scientific institutions), Conditions of admission to higher educational institutions.

4. Postgraduate or doctoral training involves the implementation of a person’s relevant educational or scientific or scientific program of higher education in a particular specialty and conducting their own research.

5. Postgraduate and doctoral students conduct research according to an individual plan of scientific work, which determines the content, deadlines and scope of research, as well as the planned term of defense of the dissertation during the period of preparation for graduate and doctoral studies. Violation of the terms of the individual plan of scientific work without good reason provided by law may be grounds for expulsion of a graduate student or doctoral student.
A person who previously studied in graduate school or doctoral program by state order and did not defend himself or was expelled from it ahead of time, has the right to re-enter graduate school or doctoral studies by state order only on condition of reimbursement of funds spent on its preparation, in the manner prescribed by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

6. Postgraduate and doctoral training ends with the defense of the scientific achievements of the graduate or doctoral student in the specialized academic council. Applicants have the right to choose a specialized academic council.

7. A postgraduate or doctoral student who has defended his / her studies before the end of the postgraduate or doctoral studies has the right of his / her choice:
– to receive a one-time payment in the amount of the balance of the scholarship provided for in the budget of the higher educational institution (scientific institution) for the relevant calendar year, and at his own request to be expelled from graduate or doctoral studies;
– to receive, at his / her own request, paid academic leave for the period remaining until the end of the standard period of preparation for postgraduate or doctoral studie.
If the graduate student defended his dissertation in the second or third year of postgraduate studies and was selected by competition for the relevant position of research (scientific and pedagogical) worker in such a higher education institution, the total amount of the scholarship balance is accrued as a monthly salary supplement.

8. Postgraduate and doctoral students are obliged to perform all the duties of applicants for higher education, defined by the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education”. Postgraduate and doctoral students are also required to ensure proper research:
adhere to the moral and ethical norms and standards of conduct of researchers in the relevant field, established by the higher education institution;
perform an individual plan of scientific work and systematically report on the progress of its implementation at a meeting of the department, department, laboratory or other department of higher education (scientific institution), which is authorized for this purpose by its academic council;
to defend in due time the scientific achievements in the form of the dissertation (for postgraduate students) and in the form of the dissertation, or the published monograph, or on set of the articles (for doctoral students) published in domestic and international peer-reviewed professional editions in specialized scientific council.