Training period

The normative term of preparation of the doctor of philosophy in postgraduate study makes four years, and the preparation of a doctor of science in doctoral studies — two years.

A postgraduate or doctoral student who has defended his / her studies before the end of the postgraduate or doctoral studies has the right of his / her choice:

  • to receive a one-time payment in the amount of the balance of the scholarship provided for in the budget of the higher education institution for the relevant calendar year, and at his own request to be expelled from graduate or doctoral studies;
  • to receive, at his / her own request, paid academic leave for the period remaining until the end of the standard period of preparation for postgraduate or doctoral studies.

If the graduate student defended his dissertation in the second or third year of postgraduate studies and was selected by competition for the relevant position of research (scientific and pedagogical) worker in such a higher education institution, the total amount of the scholarship balance is accrued as a monthly salary supplement.