About the department

About the department

The department was organized in 1971. Since 1989, I have been training bachelors, faculty and masters for specialty “Radio physics and electronics”. The first release of engineers was issued in 1995. There are 5 professors, 4 associate professors, 4 doctors of sciences and 5 candidates of sciences at the department.
The Scientific-Primary Center “Ionosphere” was established on the basis of the Department and the Institute of the Ionosphere of the Ministry of Education and Science and the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The director of the Institute and the center is Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor I.F. DOMNIN.

Science straight

Pre-development of the ionosphere by the method of incoherent propagation of radiochilles. Development of equipment for radio-physiological doslidzhen near space. Development of digital signal processing systems at a real clock. Development of the models of the ionosphere on the basis of data taken by the method of incoherent development.

Specialty 105 “Applied Physics and Nanomaterials”