Conditions of participation

Invitation to the basic data and the calendar of the symposium.

The basic data and the calendar of the symposium are given in the Invitation.

 Download invitation  2024

For timely edition of the Symposium publications and preparation of we exposition ask you till 15.10.2024 to make the following:

• Fill application form  and send to the address of Organizing committee: NTU “KhPI”, Department of electric apparatus, 2, Kyrpychova str., 61002, Kharkiv, Ukraine;


 Download application form 2024

• Organizing payment to transfer to the Symposium Fund. For the budgetary organizations – your payment + 20 % (tax on additional value). The payment is defined by participants proceeding from the conditions resulted furthe. We ask you to phone about your transfer in the Organizing committee or sent E-mail. Bank requisites:

Settlement account UA323204780000026007924433811 in Kharkov

JSB “UKRGASBANK”, code 26450114, NTU “KhPI”,

“Association of NTU “KhPI” graduates

(with a mark: “SIEMA”).



• Reports and other materials to direct to the Organizing committee address in duplicate. Requirements to publications listed in the “Call for papers”.


Research results can be made public through publications in scientific publications:


  • “Electrical Engineering & Electromechanics”:



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