Category Archives: Новости

Bachelor’s theses presentation-2019

Today, the department with special pleasure congratulates our fourth-year students on the first important event in their student life – the successful defense of undergraduate projects. We wish our bachelors further success on their path to their profession and career, … Continue reading

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Learn by playing

The last week of the spring semester is traditionally devoted to the presentation of projects within the game design, which were carried out on the topics of the courses “Fuel and Energy Sources” and “Heat and Power Supply Systems and … Continue reading

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Practice for bachelor students

Fourth-year students in front of a diploma defense undergo an instructional and familiarization practice, the purpose of which is to familiarize themselves with the production activities of enterprises of the heat and power industry, to consolidate and expand the knowledge … Continue reading

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Our congratulations for professor A.Peresyolkov on his anniversary

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Сongratulations to our winners!

We congratulate our fourth year students of the EM-45 group with the successful participation in the second round of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad on Energy Management, which took place from April 15-17, 2019 on the basis of the National Technical … Continue reading

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Variety of open doors day at NTU “KPI”

Our department took an active part in the Open Day of NTU “KPI”, which took place on February 24, 2019 in the Sports Complex of our Polytech. We presented our educational programs; here our charming graduate students Lyudmila Semenenko and … Continue reading

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Scientific Saturday in Fabruary

February 16, 2019, the department took an active part in the Scientific Saturday that was organized by the Institute of Energy, Electronics and Electromechanics of NTU “KPI”. “Heat transfer in nature and technology” interactive event was presented to the visitors, … Continue reading

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Happy New Year!

Dear friends, Happy New Year! Let it be the year of solving problems of any complexity, the year of implementing the plans and achievements, the year of new knowledge, new projects and new horizons! Only by investing our energy in … Continue reading

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Visiting Technocom LLC

Fifth year students visited the Mivina TM TECHNOKOM LLC, where they got acquainted with the heating equipment and devices of production technological lines and industrial boiler plant. It is quite obvious that heat and power engineering is in demand always … Continue reading

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Congratulations to our masters !

On the eve of the Power Engineer’s Day the defences of our masters have passed. The time that was spent at the university is the last, most important and crucial step before starting into adulthood, it is the time when … Continue reading

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