Category Archives: Новости

Game design-2017

Motivation is one of the components of the quality of the learning process. It can be significantly improved if theoretical knowledge is fixed by solving specific problems taken from real practice. Also, game elements contribute to maintaining a creative atmosphere … Continue reading

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Open day

An unusual day of open doors took place in the NTU “KHPI” sports complex on November 26, 2017 . It united the maximum number of participants in the history of the event – about one and a half thousand people. … Continue reading

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Sharing the experience on energy conservation

7 and 8 September 2017 the head of the department prof. A.N. Ganzha took part in the III International Specialized Exhibition “Modernity. Energy conservation. Technologies (SET-2017) »(Rivne). More than 40 manufacturers from Ukraine, representatives of foreign manufacturers from Denmark, Poland … Continue reading

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Seminar on implementation of modern courses in the educational process

Prof. A.N.Ganzha took part in the seminar “Implementation of the course on resource-efficient and clean production in the educational process of higher education”. The event was held at the National Technical University of Ukraine “Kiev Polytechnic Institute” named after Igor … Continue reading

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Online schedule of classes

The novelty of our university: the website has an online schedule of classes. There is a choice of faculties / groups, search, printing and bookmarking. From now on, the timetable is always at hand!

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Students’ initiation ceremony-2017

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Our best congratulations on the new academic year !

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Сongratulations to our graduates!

At the department there were defenses of diploma works and projects in the specialties “Heat power engineering” and “Energy management” for masters and bachelors of full-time and part-time forms of education, as well as part-time specialists. We wholeheartedly congratulate our … Continue reading

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Learning by playing

Game design as one of the tools of training has become firmly established in the life of the department. The ground for this tool was developed back in the late 19th century by the American philosopher and scholar-educator J.Dewey. “Learning … Continue reading

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Thermal engineers are invited

As a part of Careers Day, a meeting of students with representatives of the “Cement Roadstone Holding” took place at the department. CRH is one of the three largest producers of building materials in the world and is the leader … Continue reading

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