Congratulations to the winners of the Open University Student Competition in Energy Management

НOur 4th year studentsDenis Maiboroda (group E-517b) and Aleksey Pavelchuk (group E-517a) took 1st and 3rd places, respectively, in the Open University Student Competition (specialty “Heat Power Engineering”) .

The Olympiad took place on February 22, 2021, it covered specialties 141 Electric power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics (specialization “Energy management and energy efficiency”) and 144 Heat power engineering (specialization “Energy management and engineering”). For the first time, this Olympiad was held in an online format. The organizer was the Department of Heat Engineering and Energy Saving of the Kiev Technical University of Ukraine “KPI”. Students of specialized universities of Ukraine took part in the Olympiad. The applicants solved five theoretical and practical problems within 2 hours.

The department sincerely congratulates our winners and wishes them further success!

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Happy new year 2021 !

Dear friends !

We wish you a Happy New Year!
May it bring new chances and new hopes, new discoveries and new achievements, new opportunities and new victories!
May love, happiness and dreams come true !

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Happy power engineering day, dear friends!

On this shortest day of the year, let’s wish each other faith, hope, inexhaustible optimism, warmth in the soul, comfort in the family, bright events and achievements in life !

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Congratilations to our graduaters!

On the eve of the Power Engineer Day, our six-year students presented their master’s theses. A feature of this year was the joint defense of full-time and part-time students, which made it possible to mutual acquaintance with the topics and problems of work, traditionally slightly different in their focus – on the one hand, theoretical research, on the other hand, solving practical production problems. This exchange of experience was beneficial for everyone.
We congratulate our graduates and wish them to improve their knowledge and skills, conquer new frontiers in the professional field, personal and professional victories!

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Our teacher is a laureate of the Supreme Council of Ukraine award

The department congratulates Associate Professor Vyacheslav Vladimirovich Pylev on being awarded the Prize of the Supreme Council of Ukraine for young scientists for 2019 for his work “Selection and substantiation of the main parameters of a two-stroke special-purpose diesel engine boosted up to 1100 kW” as part of the team of authors. We wish Vyacheslav Vladimirovich further success!

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Congratulation on the new academic year

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Busy time of graduation projects presentations

Despite the ongoing quarantine regime, fourth-year students successfully reached the finish line and presented their undergraduate diploma projects. Students defended both in full-time and distance learning, during the training, teachers and students mastered new educational technologies and digital resources.
We congratulate our bachelors, wish them good luck and further achievements and look forward to them in the magistracy!

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Please, attend: quarantine!

From March 18, until further orders, NTU “KhPI” established a quarantine regime associated with the pandemic of the Covid-19 virus. The department moves to a distance learning form. Students are requested to be in contact with teachers.

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February. 2020. Open Doors Day

Heat, technology and energy accompany our life in every detail, they have long become so familiar that it seems that they always existed. Life without central heating, air conditioning, a refrigerator, electricity and hot water seems to us a relic of distant times. But meanwhile, all this is the merit of thermal power engineers who, with their work, provide not only our comfort, but, no matter how pathos it sounds, the development of the entire civilization.
As part of the Open Doors Days held by NTU “KPI” and our Institute of Energy, Electronics and Electromechanics, we are trying to show and tell our guests about those phenomena that are studied and conquered by Heat Engineering and Thermal Power Engineering.

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2020 – Happy New Year !

Dear friends!

We extend our best wishes for a happy holiday season and a New Year filled with Peace, Joy and Success!

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