On the way to new missions: our graduates received university diplomas

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Game design 2019 – new ways

Traditionally summing up the results of the fall semester, on December 23, our 2nd and 4th year students presented their work as part of game design activity and student scientific groups on “Technical Thermodynamics” (scientific consultants: associate professor T.I. Yaroshenko, senior teachers Ena S.V. and Gordienko E.P.) and “Thermotechnical processes and installations of industrial enterprises” (scientific consultants: associate professors Pereselkov A.R. and Tarasenko A.N.). It were presented following projects: analysis of the efficiency of a combined cycle plant, a condensation-cooling complex of an evaporation plant, and an oil cooling unit for a turbine plant. The seminar was held in an active creative atmosphere.

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Congratulation on the Heat Engineer’d Day

There is no life without energy, there is no energy without us!
We heartily congratulate all representatives of the energy industry on their professional holiday and wish them warmth and light, creative energy and happiness!

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Magister graduation 2019

On the eve of the Heat Engineer’s day, the presentation of the graduate master’s theses took place at the department. We are pleased to congratulate our graduates and wish them inspiration, creativity, conquering new steps, expanding horizons of knowledge, skills and opportunities. Good luck in your new life!

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Our congratulations

In honor of International Students’ Day, the 6th year student of our department, Yulia Savraeva, was awarded a diploma as the best activist of the union. Congratulations!

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Science Festival Kaleidoscope

On November 17, NTU “KhPI” hosted the Open Day and the “Science is FUN” Festival. For the first time, the events of the Kharkov Polytechnic University were held under the auspices of UNESCO as part of the celebration of World Science Day for Peace and Development. About 1200 schoolchildren, college students, their parents from ten regions of Ukraine became participants in large-scale events.
During the festival, associate professor Alexander Tarasenko demonstrated exciting experiments in heat engineering, including the thermal conductivity of substances, the Stirling engine, the Peltier effect, and combustion processes.
The staff of the department: Lyudmila Semeneko, Victoria Kornelyuk, Victoria Pavlova and senior students took an active part in the open door day .

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Career event – 2019

The job fair is a great chance to get acquainted with various job offers from leading Ukrainian and international companies, talk with their representatives, find out about the current requirements of employers, and also get acquainted with offers of internships. Our senior students are among the active participants in the fair.

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Our first-year students at the NTU “KhPI” Museum: a good tradition continues

Continuing our good long-standing tradition, our first-year students visited the NTU “KhPI” museum. The museum exposition reflects the development of NTU “KhPI” as the oldest technical university in Ukraine. Students got acquainted with the history and development of the university’s scientific schools, with well-known scientists and polytechnics who made a significant contribution to science and technology. With particular pride we can say that among them there are representatives of our department. We believe that the example of the scientists will inspire those who are just starting their journey into the field of heat power.

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Bachelor’s theses presentation-2019

Today, the department with special pleasure congratulates our fourth-year students on the first important event in their student life – the successful defense of undergraduate projects. We wish our bachelors further success on their path to their profession and career, whatever field of activity they might choose, we call for expanding the achieved horizons and striving for new heights, dreaming and fulfilling their dreams, always being inquiring, active, thinking, creative and responsible for your future!

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Learn by playing

The last week of the spring semester is traditionally devoted to the presentation of projects within the game design, which were carried out on the topics of the courses “Fuel and Energy Sources” and “Heat and Power Supply Systems and Cogeneration Plants”. The duties of managers and consultants were performed by: professor T.Pugacheva, associate professor S.Ugolnikov, senior lecturer S.Ena. The invited guests were A.Aleksakhin – Associate Professor of the Department of Thermophysics and Molecular Physics, V.Karazin Kharkiv National University and A.Gorely – Professor of the Department of Software Engineering and Information Technology Management of NTU “KPI”. This time, 6 second-year students (E-47 (EM), E-77 (EM), 1.Eu301.8 groups) and 7 fifth-year students (groups 2.E301p.8 and 2.E303p.8) took part in the game design. For the first time game design is carried out as part of the work of student scientific club. The range of problems studied in the projects allowed the students to improve their creativity, individual skills and ability to work in a group.

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