Practice for bachelor students

Fourth-year students in front of a diploma defense undergo an instructional and familiarization practice, the purpose of which is to familiarize themselves with the production activities of enterprises of the heat and power industry, to consolidate and expand the knowledge gained during the study of theoretical disciplines. From April 22 to May 19, the training program was held at Turboatom JSC – one of the leading machine-building enterprises in Ukraine, which also belongs to the world’s largest enterprises for the design and production of steam and hydraulic turbines and other power equipment. The heads of practice from the department were associate professors A.R. Pereselkov and A.N. Tarasenko. It was especially pleasant to see our graduates of 2018, V. Makarychev and E. Mavrich, who met the trainees already as representatives of the department of the Chief Power Engineer of Turboatom. Fourth-year students got acquainted with the design and principle of operation of more than twenty thermal power facilities, learned about current trends and requirements of power engineering production.

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Our congratulations for professor A.Peresyolkov on his anniversary

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Сongratulations to our winners!

We congratulate our fourth year students of the EM-45 group with the successful participation in the second round of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad on Energy Management, which took place from April 15-17, 2019 on the basis of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kiev Polytechnic Institute”. Mikhail Lavarko took the 3rd place on the specialty of 144 Thermal Power Engineering, and Victoria Doberchuk won the 2nd place in the additional competition from Viessmann Ukraine, one of the sponsors of the Olympiad.
We wish the winners further success and outstanding achievements in their careers and in life!

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Variety of open doors day at NTU “KPI”

Our department took an active part in the Open Day of NTU “KPI”, which took place on February 24, 2019 in the Sports Complex of our Polytech. We presented our educational programs; here our charming graduate students Lyudmila Semenenko and Olga Dolobovskaya acted as moderators. In the laboratory and experimental zone, associate professor Alexander Tarasenko presented fascinating master classes and experiments on heat engineering and physics. And the concert program brought together various bands, including the VL8 rock band, where our graduates Alexey Rozhnov and Denis Ushakov are performing successfully.

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Scientific Saturday in Fabruary

February 16, 2019, the department took an active part in the Scientific Saturday that was organized by the Institute of Energy, Electronics and Electromechanics of NTU “KPI”. “Heat transfer in nature and technology” interactive event was presented to the visitors, including demonstrations of models, experiments and popular science lecture (moderators – associate professor A.Tarasenko, assistent V.Podkopay).

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Happy New Year!

Dear friends, Happy New Year!
Let it be the year of solving problems of any complexity, the year of implementing the plans and achievements, the year of new knowledge, new projects and new horizons! Only by investing our energy in an active attitude towards life can we feel true pleasure!

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Visiting Technocom LLC

Fifth year students visited the Mivina TM TECHNOKOM LLC, where they got acquainted with the heating equipment and devices of production technological lines and industrial boiler plant. It is quite obvious that heat and power engineering is in demand always and everywhere, but it was especially pleasant for us to learn the fact that our graduates work also in this production. We wish both our graduates and our students continued success in their work and studies!

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Congratulations to our masters !

On the eve of the Power Engineer’s Day the defences of our masters have passed. The time that was spent at the university is the last, most important and crucial step before starting into adulthood, it is the time when you can still correct, retake, improve, tear off tails without consequences and solve the unsolvable. And, perhaps, it is precisely the heating engineering that made it possible for our students to understand, this is not the business that they would like to do))), but, on the other hand, this means that they are closer to understanding their goals and aspirations. Anyway, the heating engineering, among other things, gave our graduates the basics of life philosophy:
1. the principle of synergy to find one or those with whom working and living would be the most fruitful;
2. the laws of radiation, according to which we receive in life exactly as much as we give to the world;
3. and, finally, a guide to action – the losses and chaos in our life life can be reduced if you do your favorite thing.
We wish our graduates success and good luck on their way to the dream!

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Congratulations on Power Engineer’s Day!

Dear friends and colleagues!
We sincerely congratulate everyone on our professional holiday! May heat and light, created and transmitted by our hands, always come back a hundredfold!
Good health, inexhaustible energy, the light of a guiding star, the warmth of our loved ones, happiness and well-being!

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Open Day and Science Festivals

Traditionally, the department took an active part in the Open Day and Science Festivals “Science is FUN!”. The event took place in the framework of the celebration of World Science Day for Peace and Development from UNESCO.
In addition to the bench area, where materials about the department and our specialties were presented, in the laboratory and experimental area, Alexander Tarasenko, associate professor of the department, demonstrated a cycle of entertaining experiments on heat transfer.

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