Autumn job fair-2018

The XIV annual Jobs Fair “Polytech-2018” was held in the sports complex of NTU “KPI” on November 9, 2018.
The fair presented more than 1,200 vacancies, as well as proposals for internships with further employment for Kharkov students. Here students could learn about the current requirements of employers, as well as pass vocational guidance tests and leave your resume. The students of our department took the most active part in the fair. Some our graduates, who have already chosen their place of work, represented it already on behalf of employers.

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For our future applicants

On October 20, a popular science lecture with demonstration elements on the efficient use of water in industry was held for future applicants at the Open House of the Institute of Energy, Electronics and Electromechanics of NTU “KhPI”. Moderator of the event – Associate Professor Alexander Tarasenko.

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Congratulations to everyone with the new academic year!

The first day of autumn is a symbolic and not only symbolic beginning of a new academic year. We congratulate everyone for whom this event is dear, important or just is a start of a new stage in life.
Do and go, develop and conquer the tops, catch luck by the tail, believe in yourself and rejoice at every moment. Life loves those who love it))))
We wish all of you professional growth, high achievements and brilliant victories!

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The organizational meeting of 1st-year students of the Institute of Power Engineering, Electronics and Electromechanics of NTU “KPI” will be held on August 31 at 12:00 in the 1st audience of the electrical corps.
The ceremony of dedication to students will begin on August 31 at 17:00 on the NTU “KhPI” square.
We invite everyone!

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Agreement on joint activities in the field of energy and energy efficiency

On June 14-15, 2018 in Rivne, the IV International Specialized Exhibition “Modernity. Energy saving. Technologies (SET-2018) “and the Interregional Investment Forum on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving was held. The National Technical University “Kharkov Polytechnic Institute” was an active participant of these events.
The head of our department, Professor A.Ganzha, moderated the forum.

Welcoming speech of the chairman of the Rivne regional state administration
In the photo, from left to right – First Deputy Chairman of the Rivne Regional Council Sergei Svistaliuk, Rivne City Mayor Vladimir Khomko, Chairman of the Rivne Regional State Administration Alexey Mulyarenko, Head of the Department of Heat Engineering and Energy Efficient Technologies of NTU “KPI” Anton Ganzha (moderator of the forum)

Within the framework of the forum, a solemn procedure for signing an agreement on joint activities in the field of energy and energy efficiency between the Rivne Regional State Administration and the NTU “KPI” was held.

From the side of NTU “KPI” the agreement is signed by the vice-rector for scientific work, Professor Andrei Marchenko, and from the side of the Rivne Regional State Administration – its chairman Alexei Mulyarenko

Similar agreements were signed with the Institute of Energy Saving and Energy Management of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Kiev Polytechnic University named after Igor Sikorsky” (Director Sergey Denisyuk) and the National University of Water Management and Nature Management (Vice-Rector for Research and International Relations Natalia Savina).
At the Interregional Investment Forum on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving, welcoming speeches and reports were predented by the Chairman of the Rivne Regional State Administration Alexei Mulyarenko, Rivne City Mayor Vladimir Khomko, First Deputy Chairman of the Rivne Regional Council Sergei Svistaliuk. They noted the particular urgency of the issues of energy efficiency and energy saving in Ukraine, especially since the Rivne region has been a leader in this field for the last several years. It was also noted that cooperation with NTU “KPI”, along with other organizations within the framework of the “Integrated Energy Efficiency Program of the Rivne Region for 2018-2025”, will contribute to improving the scientific level and novelty of projects in energy saving and energy efficiency and increasing Ukraine’s energy independence.

Chairman of the Rivne Regional State Administration Alexei Mulyarenko opens the exhibition

In the photo, from left to right – First Deputy Chairman of the Rivne Regional Council Sergei Svistaliuk, Chairman of the Rivne Regional State Administration Alexei Mulyarenko, Deputy Director of the Department of Housing and Communal Services, Energy and Energy Efficiency Valery Guz, Deputy Chairman of the Rivne Regional State Administration Vitaliy Undir, Rivne city mayor Vladimir Khomko

Forum’s workong moments

Exebition’s working moments

Competition of children’s drawings on energy efficiency and energy saving

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Our graduates-2018

Dear our graduates! We congratulate you on the successful graduation from the university. All your dreams can come true only if you have the courage to pursue them. May you always keep learning, growing, and realizing the best in yourself. We wish you to find your way in life, to become strong specialists in the business that you choose and always return to the department that was your home for such long and short 6 years, with your questions and successes! And let on the path of life you always accompanied by professional growth, career success, the energy of creation and the warmth of those who are next to you!

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Expanding our spheres of activity

We invite schoolchildren, who are interested in the questions of heat power engineering, and their parents to take part in our presentations and popular science lectures devoted to heat engineering solutions for future buildings, new technologies in heat supply and good traditional cooling complexes of power plants and industrial enterprises. Follow the schedule on NTU “KPI” site!

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Sad news

On June 24, the former head of our department, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Valery Gavrilovich Pavlovsky has passed away on the 81st year after a serious long illness. The staff of the department expresses deep condolences to his family and friends. We will remember the memory of Valery Gavrilovich as a fine specialist, a cheerful and charming man.

pavllovski V

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Scientific seminar

On May 31, the united seminar of the department of heat engineering and energy-efficient technologies and the department of turbine construction was held, during which the works of applicants for scientific degrees were heard:

Andrey Cheylitko (Zaporizhzhya State Engineering Academy) “Development of the theoretical foundations for the formation of thermophysical properties of heat-insulating materials by controlling the heat transfer process in porous structures,” thesis for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences;
Aleksey Limarenko (Mirgorod Art and Industry College named after N.Gogol Poltava National Technical University named after Yu. Kondratyuk) “Heat and mass exchange in ventilated layers of enclosing structures of buildings and structures”, thesis for obtaining the scientific degree of candidate of technical sciences;
Olga Altukhova (NTU “KhPI”, Department of Heat Engineering and Energy-Efficient Technologies) “System of synthesis of means for calculating and optimizing of plate heat exchangers”, thesis for obtaining the scientific degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences;

The work was extremely diverse, but each aroused a keen interest and active discussion.
We wish all speakers a successful defense and further career growth!

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Keeping the traditions

May is a hot month for students – the end of the year: exams, tests, abstracts … And also this is the month of game design on our department. Traditionally, the fifth year students, completing the training cycle, pass the baton to second-year students. The subjects of the projects this time was devoted to the combustion of various types of fuels and the equipment of a hot-water boiler house. The games were held in a friendly, creative and active atmosphere. We hope that the skills acquired during the training will help all participants in their further studies and practical work.

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