Scientific directions

Department of Theoretical Electrical Engineering 2021_compressed


Group for the development of principles of determination of the safe areas of the UAVs flight when monitoring electrical power facilities

The head of the group is Maryna Rezynkina, doctor of technical sciences, Prof., Head. of Department of theoretical electrical engineering


  • Rezynkina M.M., doctor of technical sciences, Prof., Head. of Department
  • Lytvynenko S.A., PhD, Assoc. Prof.

Mathematical modeling of the electric fields (EF) distributions in the vicinity of the power transmission lines (PTL), taking into account presence of the towers and UAVs. Determination of zones with increased electric field intensity, dangerous for UAV equipment.


  • Rezinkina M., Rezinkin O., and A. Zaporozhets, “UAVs Application in Power Engineering,” Proc. of 2021 IEEE 6th International Conference on Actual Problems of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Development APUAVD-2021, Kiev, 2021, p. 161-164.
  • Rezinkina M.M., Sokol Y.I., Zaporozhets A.O., Gryb O.G., Karpaliuk I.T., Shvets S.V. (2021) Mathematical Models of Electric Fields of Electric Transmission Lines. In: Sokol Y.I., Zaporozhets A.O. (eds) Control of Overhead Power Lines with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, vol 359. Springer, Cham.
  • Rezinkina M.M., Sokol Y.I., Zaporozhets A.O., Gryb O.G., Karpaliuk I.T., Shvets S.V. (2021) Monitoring of Energy Objects Parameters with Using UAVs. In: Sokol Y.I., Zaporozhets A.O. (eds) Control of Overhead Power Lines with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, vol 359. Springer, Cham.
  • M. Rezinkina, O. Rezinkin, I. Karpaliuk, V. Grabko “Control and Monitoring of Power Transmission Lines Condition over Wide Area with the Help of UAVs,” 2020 IEEE 7th International Conference on Energy Smart Systems (ESS), Kyiv, Ukraine, 2020, DOI: 10.1109/ESS50319.2020.9160150.
  • Rezinkina M., Rezinkin O., Lytvynenko S.A., Tomashevskyi R. “Electromagnetic Compatibility at UAVs Usage for Power Transmission Lines Monitoring,” Proc. of APUAVD-2019, Kiev, 2019. DOI: 10.1109/APUAVD47061.2019.8943932
  • M. M. Rezinkina, O. L. Rezinkin, K. L. Chrzan, S. A. Lytvynenko and N. V. Veselova, “Simulation of the Power Transmission Lines Electrical Field to Ensure Safe Navigation of the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles at Their Monitoring,” 2019 Modern Electric Power Systems (MEPS), 2019, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/MEPS46793.2019.9394999.
  • Rezinkina М.М., Sokol E.I., Gryb O.G., Bortnikov A.V., Lytvynenko S.A.  Calculation of electric field distribution in the vicinity of power transmission lines with towers and UAV presence. Tekhnichna elektrodynamika, 2018, N 3, p. 3 – 9. DOI:

 Current project:

  • Determination of zones with increased EF intensity, dangerous for UAV equipment, in the vicinity of power transmission lines, taking into account presence of the PTLs’ towers and conductive parts of the UAVs.

The contact person:

Rezykina Maryna


Group for the development of methods for mathematical modeling of the conditions for the development of high-voltage discharges in long air gaps

The head of the group is Maryna Rezynkina, doctor of technical sciences, Prof., Head. of Department of theoretical electrical engineering


  • Rezynkina M.M., doctor of technical sciences, Prof., Head. of Department
  • Lytvynenko S.A., PhD, Assoc. Prof.
  • Kubrik B.І., PhD, Assoc. Prof.

Mathematical modeling of distributions of electric fields (EF) in the vicinity of conducting rods, simulating lightning rod terminals and descending high-voltage leader channels.


  • Rezinkina M.M., Sokol Y.I., Zaporozhets A.O., Gryb O.G., Karpaliuk I.T., Shvets S.V. (2021) Physical Modeling of the Electrophysical Processes of the Formation of the Corona During the Operation of Electric Power Facilities. In: Sokol Y.I., Zaporozhets A.O. (eds) Control of Overhead Power Lines with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, vol 359. Springer, Cham.
  • Rezinkina M.M., Sokol Y.I., Zaporozhets A.O., Gryb O.G., Karpaliuk I.T., Shvets S.V. (2021) Mathematical Modeling of the Electromagnetic Processes of the Corona’s Formation During the Operation of Electric Power Facilities. In: Sokol Y.I., Zaporozhets A.O. (eds) Control of Overhead Power Lines with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, vol 359. Springer, Cham.
  • Rezinkina M.M., Sokol Y.I., Zaporozhets A.O., Gryb O.G., Karpaliuk I.T., Shvets S.V. (2021) Physical Modeling of Discharges in Long Air Gaps with the Presence of the Corona at the Tops of Grounded Objects. In: Sokol Y.I., Zaporozhets A.O. (eds) Control of Overhead Power Lines with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, vol 359. Springer, Cham.
  • M. Rezinkina, O. Rezinkin and S. Buryakovskiy, “Physical and Mathematical Modelling of Electrophysical Processes for Solution of Electromagnetic Compatibility Problems,” 2020 IEEE 4th International Conference on Intelligent Energy and Power Systems (IEPS), Istanbul, Turkey, 2020, pp. 43-46, doi: 10.1109/IEPS51250.2020.9263133.
  • M. Rezinkina, O. Rezinkin and S. Lytvynenko, “Simulation of Electrical Physical Processes in Electro-Energetic Systems at Thunderstorm Conditions,” 2020 IEEE 15th International Conference on Advanced Trends in Radioelectronics, Telecommunications and Computer Engineering (TCSET), Lviv-Slavske, Ukraine, 2020, pp. 322-326, doi: 10.1109/TCSET49122.2020.235448.
  • Rezinkina M., Rezinkin O., Lytvynenko S., Kubrik B., Svetlichnaya E., Sosina E., “Determination of the conditions of inception of an upward leader from grounded objects in thunderstorm conditions,” Proc. of IEEE 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Energy and Power Systems (IEPS) 2018, p. 93-96. DOI: 10.1109/IEPS.2018.8559533.
  • Rezinkina M., Sokol Y., Rezinkin O., Lytvynenko S., “Mathematical modelling of the electric field in systems with conductive rods for lightning protection,” Proc. of IEEE 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Energy and Power Systems (IEPS) 2018, p. 89-92. DOI: 10.1109/IEPS.2018.8559504

Current project:

  • • Physical and mathematical modeling of the electrophysical processes during high-voltage discharges in the air.

The contact person:

Rezykina Maryna


Group for the development of methods for mathematical modeling of the electromagnetic processes in various electronic and electrical devices

The head of the group is Maryna Rezynkina, doctor of technical sciences, Prof., Head. of Department of theoretical electrical engineering


  • Rezynkina M.M., doctor of technical sciences, Prof., Head. of Department
  • Lytvynenko S.A., PhD, Assoc. Prof.


Methods and tools for mathematical modeling of the electromagnetic fields (EMF) in electronic and electrical devices with a complex spatial configuration and inhomogeneous properties that may be nonlinear.


  • M. Rezinkina, Mathematical modelling of the electric field of carbon nanotube arrays used in cold cathode electron emission devices, Journal of Electrostatics, 109 (2021)103544.
  • Rezinkina M. Modelling of electric field strength amplification at the tips of thin conductive rods arrays // Progress in Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 88, p. 111-119, 2020. doi:10.2528/PIERM19102702
  • M. Rezinkina, Y. Sokol and O. Rezinkin, “Choice of the Non-linear Power Forming Lines Parameters Providing Nanosecond Electromagnetic Impulses Fronts,” 2021 IEEE 2nd KhPI Week on Advanced Technology (KhPIWeek), 2021, pp. 54-57, doi: 10.1109/KhPIWeek53812.2021.9570027.
  • O. Rezinkin, M. Rezinkina, A. Danyluk and A. Guchenko, “High-Power Impulses with Nanosecond Fronts Obtaining Using Forming Lines on Nonlinear Electronic Elements,” 2021 IEEE 3rd Ukraine Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (UKRCON), 2021, pp. 237-240, doi: 10.1109/UKRCON53503.2021.9575752.
  • M. Rezinkina, O. Rezinkin and A. Gapon, “Simulation of Electromagnetic Impulses with Short Fronts for Power Electronics Systems,” 2020 IEEE KhPI Week on Advanced Technology (KhPIWeek), Kharkiv, Ukraine, 2020, pp. 319-322, doi: 10.1109/KhPIWeek51551.2020.9250072.
  • M. Rezinkina, “Numerical Simulation of Electromagnetic Impulse Deformation during Propagation in Nonlinear Dielectric,” 2020 IEEE Ukrainian Microwave Week (UkrMW), Kharkiv, Ukraine, 2020, pp. 648-651, doi: 10.1109/UkrMW49653.2020.9252646.
  • M. Rezinkina, O. Rezinkin and S. Lytvynenko, “Mathematical Simulation of Emission Devices on Arrays of Carbon Nanotubes,” 2020 IEEE 40th International Conference on Electronics and Nanotechnology (ELNANO), Kyiv, Ukraine, 2020, pp. 63-66, doi: 10.1109/ELNANO50318.2020.9088767.
  • Резинкина М.М. Расчет электромагнитных полей в неоднородных средах для выбора защитных покрытий // Электротехника и электромеханика, № 5, 2019, с. 31-34.
  • O. Rezinkin, M. Rezinkina and A. Danyliuk, “Investigation of High-Voltage Ceramic SMD-Capacitors Non-Linearity for Usage in Sharpening Forming Lines with Nanosecond Rise Times,” 2019 International Conference on Information and Telecommunication Technologies and Radio Electronics (UkrMiCo), 2019, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/UkrMiCo47782.2019.9165533.
  • M. Rezinkina, “Simulation of Electromagnetic Fields at Sharpening of the Impulse Front in Nonlinear Dielectric,” 2019 International Conference on Information and Telecommunication Technologies and Radio Electronics (UkrMiCo), 2019, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/UkrMiCo47782.2019.9165407.
  • Rezinkin O., Rezinkina M., Danyluk A., Tomashevskyi R. Formation of High-Voltage Pulses with Nanosecond Fronts in Low-Impedance Loads // Proc. of IEEE 2nd Ukraine Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (IEEE UKRCON-2019). – 2019. – P. 464-467 DOI: 10.1109/UKRCON.2019.8880015.

 Current projects:

  • Mathematical modeling of electromagnetic processes in cold emitters on arrays of carbon nanotubes.
  • Mathematical modeling of processes of absorption of the radio-frequency EMF by layered conductive coatings with losses.
  • Methods for generating of the high-voltage impulses with a short rise time using forming lines on nonlinear ferroelectrics.

The contact person:

Rezykina Maryna


Group for the development of hardware, algorithmic and software control systems and diagnostics of complex industrial equipment.

The group leader is Ruslan Mygushchenko, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Vice-Rector of NTU KhPI.

Group composition:

  • Ruslan Mygushchenko, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Vice-Rector.
  • Olga Kropachek, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor of theoretical foundations of electrical engineering.
  • Igor Korzhov, PhD.

 Research of measuring and computational procedures of analysis and synthesis of primary system transformation of stochastically non-stationary vibration signals, research of information properties of correlation-spectral parameters at diagnosis of non-stationary thermodynamic signals, research of secondary information transformation procedure at quadratic discrimination of computerized nonstationary structures.


Kropachek O.Yu. Improving principles of electric energy pulse transformation into high-frequency mechanical energy using capacitive method / O.N. Petrishchev, K.L. Nozdrachova, G.M. Suchkov, R.P. Mygushchenko, O.Yu. Kropachek, S.Yu. Plesnetsov // Technical Electrodynamics. – K., Issue 6, 2019, рр. 18 – 24.

Kropachek O.Yu. Structure and optical properties of CdTe and CdS thin films after hard ultrafiolet irradiation / G.I. Kopach, A.I. Dobrozhart, G.S., R.P. Mygushchertko, O.Yu. Kropachek, R.V. Zaitsev, A.V. Meriuts // Physics and chemistry of solid state. – Ivano-Frankivsk, Vol.20, Issue 2., 2019, рр. 165 – 170.

Kropachek O.Yu. Electromagnetic-acoustic transducers for ultrasonic measurements, testing and diagnostics of ferromagnetic metal products / Salam Bussi, G.M. Suchkov, R.P. Mygushchenko, O.Yu. Kropachek, S.Yu. Plesnetsov // Ukrainian metrological journal. – Kharkiv, Issue 4, 2019, рр. 41 – 49.

Kropachek O.Yu. Noncontact Spectral Express Method for Detecting Corrosion Damage to Metal Products / G.M. Suchkov, R.P. Mygushchenko, O.Yu. Kropachek, S.Yu. Plesnetsov, Z.V. Bilyk, Yu.E. Horoshailo, S. A. Efimenko, Salam Bussi // Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. – Vol. 56, Issue 1, 2019, рр. 12 – 19.

Kropachek O.Yu. Power Supplies of High-Frequency Capacitive Transducers for Measurement, Monitoring, and Diagnostics of Metal Products / K.L. Nozdrachova, A. Yu. Slobodchuk, G.M. Suchkov, R.P. Mygushchenko, O.Yu. Kropachek // Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. – Vol. 56, Issue 3, 2019, рр. 242 – 248.

Kropachek O.Yu. Study of transmission characteristics of disk transducer in the radially propagated Rayleigh wave excitation mode / O.N. Petrishchev, K.L. Nozdrachova, G.M. Suchkov, R.P. Mygushchenko, O.Yu. Kropachek, A. Yu. Slobodchuk // Ukrainian metrological journal. – Kharkiv, Issue 4, 2020, рр. 9 – 15.

 Current project:

  • Development of promising information and analytical technologies for control and diagnosis in conditions of a priori uncertainty.

Contact person:

Olga Kropachek,


Group for the diagnostics of electrical insulation in power cables.


  • Kostiukov I, candidate of technical sciences.

The development of methods for the measurement of dielectric parameters of insulation in power cables, taking into account the peculiarities of their construction. Mathematical modeling of processes in insulation under the affect of the electric field.


  • Kostiukov I, “The analysis of some results of electrical capacitance and dissipation factor measurements,” Proc. of 2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST) DHAKA, Bangladesh, p. 510 – 514
  •  Kostiukov I, “Estimation of dissipation factor by applying cross-correlation method,” Proc. of 2020 IEEE Conference KhPI Week on Advanced Technology (KhPIWeek) Kharkiv, Ukraine, p. 333 – 338
  • Kostiukov I, “Estimation of capacitors stray inductance by the analysis of overdamped discharge current curves,” Przeglad Elektrotechniczny. – 2021. – №No. 4. – P. 175 – 179.
  • Kostiukov I, “Measurement of dissipation factor of inner layers of insulation in three-core belted cables,” Lighting Engineering & Power Engineering. – 2021. – No. 1, – С. 23 – 30.
  • Kostiukov I, “Dielectric dissipation factor in three-core power cables,”Measuring Equipment and Metrology. – 2021. – No. 2, – С. 50 – 56.
  • Kostiukov I, “Peculiarities of calculation of variance of the results of determination of partial capacitances of insulation in three-core power cables by applying aggregate measurements,”Metrology and Instruments. – 2021. – No. 1, – С. 65 – 71. (in Ukrainian)
  • Kostiukov I, “Particular properties of estimation of partial capacitances of insulation of three-core power cables by applying aggregate measursments,”Ukrainian Metrological Journal. – 2021. – No. 1, – С. 44 – 49. (in Ukrainian)
  • Kostiukov I. “The influence of stray inductance of tested object on technical performance of electrical capacitance meters with phase detectors,” Bulletin of NTU «KhPI». – 2019. – No 2, – P. 64 – 69.

 Current project:

  • Determination of the dielectric parameters of insulation gaps of multicore cables.

The contact person:

Kostiukov Ivan.,


Group for the development of technical objects with a given spatial distribution of the magnetic field.


  • Getman Andriy, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Senior Researcher Associate.

Development of methods for analysis, experimental research and synthesis of the structure of the magnetic field of technical objects. Development of the design of the magnetically active part of technical objects based on mathematical modeling of the parameters of the spatial distribution of the magnetic field.


  • Getman A.V. Prostranstvennyj garmonicheskij analiz magnitnogo polya datchika nejtral’nogo komponenta plazmy // Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. – 2010. –№6/5. – S. 35–38.
  • Getman A.V. Prostranstvennyj garmonicheskij analiz magnitnogo polya datchika plazmy kosmicheskogo apparata // Tekhnichna elektrodynamika. – 2013. – №6. –S. 20–23.
  • Getman A.V. Metod ehksperimental’nogo opredeleniya magnitnogo momenta na osnove prostranstvennogo garmonicheskogo analiza signatur magni-tnoj indukcii // Elektrotekhnika i Elektromekhanika. – 2013. – №6. – S. 59–62.
  • Getman A.V. Opredelenie magnitnogo centra s pomoshch’yu prohod-nyh harakteristik raspredeleniya magnitnoj indukcii // Elektrichestvo. – 2014. – №6. –S. 43–48.
  • Getman A.V. Cylindrical harmonic analysis of the magnetic field in the aperture of the superconducting winding of an electromagnet // Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. – 2018. –№1/5. – S. 4–9.
  • Getman A.V. Development of the method of improving the structure of a magnetic field in the aperature of quadrupole electromagnet with superconducting winding // Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. – 2018. –№5/5.  – S. 6–12.
  • Getman, A. (2021). Designing a structure of the magnetically active part of dipole electromag-nets for the system of vertical convergence-separation of beams . Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(5 (110), 14–22.

 Current project:

  • Development of methods for providing the characteristics of the magnetic field of electromagnets with a superconducting current winding.

The contact person:

Getman Andriy


Group for the development of methods for the study of automatic control and diagnostics systems of power plants based on diesel engine

The head of the group is Borysenko Anatolii, doctor of technical sciences, Professor of Department of theoretical electrical engineering


  • Borysenko A.M., doctor of technical sciences, Prof.
  • Lavrinenko O.V., D., Assistant

Mathematical modeling of automatic control and diagnostics systems of power plants based on diesel engine.


  • Borysenko A.N., Borisenko E.A., N.Y. Shevchenko N.Y. Increasing the metrological characteristics of the phase lag meter by optimizing the clock frequency//Scientific Bulletin of DGMA. – Kramatorsk, 2018. – № 1(43). – Page 10-29. (in Russian).

  • Borysenko A.N., Kubrik B.I., Lavrinenko O.V., Revutsky V.I., Mathematical simulation of vibrations of the internal combustion engine valve mechanism based on electromechanical analogies of processes in the electrical circuit. Mechanica that machine buduvannya. – Kharkiv, 2019, No. 1. – P. 71–76. (in Russian).
  • Borysenko A.N., Sergienko N.E., Agapov O.N., Medvedev N.G. Research of methods of correction of rapid characteristics of fuel pumps on the account of drosselivaniya. Bulletin of NTU “KhPI” series “Automobile and tractor construction.” – Kharkiv: NTU “KhPI. – 2020. №2 –P. 39–44. (in Russian).

  • Borysenko A.N., Enikeev A.F., Zakharenkov D.Yu., Zykov I.S. Analysis of frequency characteristics of the fuel supply control system to the cylinders of the power unit. Bulletin of the National Technical University ” KhPI.” Series: New solutions in modern technologies. – Kharkov: NTU “KhPI.” 2021. № 4 (9). Page 9-16. (in Russian). doi:10.20998/2413-4295.2021.03.01.
  • Borysenko A.M., Borysenko E.A., Bogaevsky O.B. System for regulating the supply of additional air to diesel. Patent for utility model № 136490 published 27.08.2019 bull. №16/2019.
  • Borysenko A.M., Borysenko E.A., Bogaevsky O.B. System for regulating the supply of additional air to diesel. Utility model patent № 139433 published 10.01.2020, Bull. №1/2020.
  • Borysenko A.M., Borysenko E.A., Bogaevsky O.B. The system of adjusting the supply of additional air to the diesel. Patent for invention №123683 public.12.05.2021 Bull. №19/2021.
  • Borysenko A.M., Borysenko E.A., Bogaevsky A.B. The system of adjusting the supply of additional air to the diesel. Patent of Ukraine for invention № 123 806, published by Bull. №22 from 02.06.2021.
  • Borysenko A.M., Kubryk B.I., Lavrinenko O.V., Multifunctional quasi-optimal fuel consumption and environmental indicators diesel generator control system. Materials III International. scientific-technical. confer. “Actual problems of automation and instrument making,” section 1.Automatics and control in technical systems, 03-04 December 2020, Kharkiv, NTU “KhPI.” ». – P. 7–8. .(in Ukrainian).
  • Borysenko A.M., Kubryk B.I. Lavrinenko O.V. Microprocessor system for monitoring of cylinder-piston group of diesel generator. Materials of the XXIX International Scientific and Practical Conference MicroCAD-2021, May 18–20, 2021: Information Technologies: Science, Technology, Technology, Education, Health: Section 8. Microprocessor equipment in automation and instrumentation Kharkiv: NTU “KhPI.” – P. 291. (in Ukrainian). Tezi_dopovidey_MicroCAD-2021_chastina_1.pdf

 Current project:

  • Refinement and correction of diagnostic signs to assess the technical condition of diesel engines in the power plant

The contact person:

Borysenko Anatolii,,