Kostiukov Ivan,
head of the Department
Doctor of Technical Sciences in instruments and methods of control and substance composition determination.
A specialist in the field of digital signal processing techniques and diagnostics of electrical insulation.
Subjects: Theoretical Foundations of Electrical Engineering, Theory of Electrical Circuits, Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Contacts: tel .:+38 (057) 7076961, e-mail: Ivan.Kostiukov@khpi.edu.ua
Rezynkina Maryna Mikhailivna,
Professor of the Department
Doctor of Technical Sciences in the theoretical electrical engineering, Professor.
A specialist in the field of the mathematical modeling of electrophysical processes in inhomogeneous media with nonlinear electrical parameters under the influence of power electromagnetic fields.
Subjects: Theoretical Foundations of Electrical Engineering, Theory of Electrical Circuits.
Contacts: tel .:+38 (057) 7076642, e-mail: maryna.rezynkina@gmail.com, Rezynkina.Maryna@khpi.edu.ua
Scopus Google scholar
Kubryk Borys,
Assistant professor of the Department
Candidate of technical sciences in theoretical basics of thermal engineering, assistant professor.
A specialist in the field of based on electro-thermal analogies mathematical modeling of distributed systems and the development of instruments for the control of technological processes in various technical objects.
Subjects: Theoretical Foundations of Electrical Engineering, Theory of Electrical Circuits, Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Contacts: tel .:+38 (057) 7076961, e-mail: borys.kubryk@khpi.edu.ua
Borysenko Anatolii Mykolayovych,
Professor of the Department
Doctor of Technical Sciences in computer systems and components, Professor.
Specialist in the field of research of systems for automatic control and diagnostics of diesel-based power plants.
Subject: Theoretical Foundations of Electrical Engineering, Electromagnetic Circuit theory, Electromagnetic field theory, Technical Electrodynamics, Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering and Electronics
Contactstel .:+38 (057) 7076961, e-mail: Anatolii.Borysenko@khpi.edu.ua, an.borisenko.khpi@gmail.com
Getman Andriy,
Professor of the Department
Doctor of Technical Sciences in the theoretical electrical engineering, Senior Research Associate in the theoretical electrical engineering.
A specialist in the development of technical objects with a given spatial distribution of the magnetic field.
Subjects:Theoretical Foundations of Electrical Engineering, Theory of Electrical Circuits, Foundations of Electrical Engineering and Electronics.
Contacts: tel .:+38 (057) 7076961, e-mail: getman.andriy@khpi.edu.ua

Kropachek Olga,
Professor of the Department
Doctor of Technical Sciences in specialty 05.13.05 – Сomputer Systems and Components, Professor.
Specialist in the field of theoretical foundations of analysis and synthesis of computerized information-measuring systems for diagnosing dynamic non-stationary objects.
Courses: Theoretical Foundations of Electrical Engineering.
Contacts: tel .: +38 (057) 7076961, e-mail: kropachek@ukr.net, kropachek.olga@khpi.edu.ua.
Lytvynenko Svitlana,
Assistant professor of the Department
Doctor of Philosophy, specialty 141 – Electricity, electronics and electrical engineering
Specialist in the field of mathematical modeling of electrophysical processes at high-voltage discharges in air.
Subjects: Теорія електричних кіл, теоретичні основи електротехніки.
Contacts: tel .:+38 (057) 7076961, e-mail: lytvynenko.svitlana@khpi.edu.ua
Lavrinenko Olga Valerievna,
Assistant professor of the Department
Ph.D. History of Science and Technology
A specialist in the field of history of theoretical electrical engineering in Ukraine
Subjects: Theoretical Foundations of Electrical Engineering (P1, P2).
Contacts: tel .: +38 (057) 7076961, e-mail:Lavrinenko.Olga@khpi.edu.ua,