
Development of Chemistry and Technology of macromolecular compounds in the world was made mainly under influence of technological requirements of production and rapid expansion of its uses. Most advanced development of plastic masses began in 1955. At this time Ziegler- Natta catalysts were discovered, that significantly changed the way polymers were obtained and produced.

Starting from 1955, world wide production of polymer materials was doubling every 5 years. That rapid development was not recognized in any other industry, including such dynamic industry as information systems. During the year of 1959, School of technology (aka “Chair”) was established as plastic masses started to evolve and Department of technology of organic substances was established.

Since the establishment of such Chair (school), day time and evening classes as well as special relief education and extramural courses trained more than 2.5 thousand professionals who were able to get employment at many companies and research institutes as University of Kharkov, Ukraine, and abroad (United States of America, Israel, Iran, Iraq, Germany, Bulgaria, Canada, Australia).

Since 1965 the Department began training engineering staff for foreign countries. Over the years of existence, it has trained more than 30 engineers for Hungary, the Republic of Cuba, Syria, Mongolia, Peru, Germany, Bulgaria, Poland, Iraq and Iran.

Instructors of the Department were the first ones in the whole Ukraine who were able to lecture and have laboratory experience in courses such as “ Rheology and durability of polymers”, “Theory and research methods of polymers”.

Based on the close ties with the medical industry, “Chemical technology of higher molecular connections” opened its doors to “Chemical technology of polymers in medical and biological usage and implementation “ for the first time in Ukraine, where a number of lectures and laboratory courses has been taught such as “ Chemistry of Biopolymers”, “Polymers technology of medical and biological uses”, “Sanitary and chemical properties of polymers”, “Recycling technology and usage of polymers  medically and biologically”.

In 1985 the Department became a part of the faculty of integral technologies and chemical engineering, and in 2001 this same Department began teaching its students and preparing them for the second major, “Chemical technology and recycle of polymers and compound materials.”

The Department published 9 textbooks for different courses, more than 50 teaching materials for laboratory researches, courses and teaching materials for graduate work (diploma).

During various stages of development of scientific and technological macro molecular compounds, department conducts scientific researches which were carried out at various rate.  Although all of those researches were performed simultaneously and systematically, there was no interruptions even during financial difficulties of the department and eventually led to the achievements that have become the scientific basis for the creation and introduction in industry of technologies such as cold-acrylic polymers, new polymeric adhesives and sealants, intensification of structuring processes due to radiation-chemical and photochemical initiation, development of new methods for modifying the surface of polymers and fillers, processing of secondary polymers.

You can now state with confidence that scientific researches of the Department played an important role in formation of scientific concepts, design and development of new polymer materials and technologies. Works of the department are well known in our country and in many foreign countries.

The scientific work contributed to the formation of scientific direction of the Department, “Modification of polymer materials and systems composition based on it”, which up until today’s date has not changed but covered a wider field of new scientific problems and scientific tasks.

The scientific achievements of the first years of the department which include:

– The study of chemical processes in the recycling of polymer materials;

– Study of technologies for processing of recycled polymer materials;

– The use of polymer materials for the repair of metalworking equipment.


Repair technology of metalworking equipment with the help of cold-hardening plastics has been widely implemented in almost all machine-building enterprises of Kharkov and its  suburbs (HTZ, Kolomensky Heavy Machine tool Plant, Kolomna Diesel locomotive Factory, Factory of “Symremstanok”, Kremensk Heating Factory, Factory of “Symremstanok”, Kremenchykskii and Gybkinskii Factories, etc). For this purpose the department developed acrylic compositions. In applying these compositions were conducted studies on the metal lining sleeves, pneumatic and hydraulic cylinders modular machine tools at the Kharkov factory of transfer machines and in the Hydraulic Institute. They are also used in the manufacture of re-adjustable stamps (USPSH), (ZNIT Kharkov).

The Department conducted research on the development of RBM-based epoxy oligomers with high electrical insulation, corrosion-resistant, conductive properties of the instrument making enterprises and electronic industry. The work was done by order of the Kharkov Electromechanical Plant, Plant Shevchenko, Research Institute of Technology and Instrumentation, Turboatom, etc.

Researched and developed PTP sealing inductors magnetic-pulse metal stamping, and for the formation of large-sized products with the needs of magnetic-pulse techniques, the works on radiation-chemical structuring RMB accelerated hardening using microwave and research processes of photochemical polymerization of monomers and oligomers.

The works was done in conjunction with the branch NDFHI, Krpov (Obninsk), with the institute of Physical Chemistry, LV Pisarzhevsky, NAS of Ukraine, the Donetsk Institute of Ukrainian Research  and Institute of Plastics.

Research Continues to develop sealing heat accumulated compositions on the basis of “Ariel” and “Fordevid” mixtures of polyethylene to sela the power and control of the plasma generator program, which as part of the scientific research equipment used for the exploration of outer space and the magnetosphere of the Earth by injecting short quasi-neutral plasma flow proposed chemical composition and energy.

Since 1980, the Department received a research extension. Work began on the surface hydrophilization of polymeric materials, development of new approaches for the stabilization of recycled polyethylene (pipe) that were used in the plants drip irrigation systems.

The developed technology for surface stabilization of recycled polyethylene pipes has been tested at the Institute of Mechanics and Irrigation Techniques (Kishinev city) and was tested in the Dubossary region of Moldavia. This technology has allowed 4 times increase weather resistance (with 2 to 8 years) plans drip irrigation systems without dismanting the system in non-irrigated period.  The works are protected by three copyright certificates, shown at many exhibitions and received awards.

By order and for the coordination of the Ministry Of Instrumentation, Automation and control Systems for the first time in the Union, the Department has developed a technology for the production of polymer writing means.

Research on the development of polymer compositions of writing tools that are embedded in the Kharkov enterprises and at the factory to them. Krasin (Moscow), became the basis of the Department of Technology developed regulations for masterbatch pencil mass and release of an experimental batch in the Novopolotsk (Belarussia) ON “Polymir”, organized by the release of the universal polymer marking pencil for almost all surfaces (Port of Tallin) and polymer stick in a wooden shell, has been tested in the Moscow Research Institute “Beauty” and has received a positive opinion by becoming the first such product for the former Soviet Union. The work of the department and the introduction of polymer technology means letters written national newspapers such as “The Truth”, “News”, as well as local- “Evening Kharkov”. The developed technology has received the bronze medal ENEA former Union and Ukraine, as well as the five protective by copyright certificates.

In continuation of the work of the department worked out and implemented technology of “Tonkografitnoe” writing means as Kharkov plant “equipment”, based on polyvinyl alcohol.

As part of the science and Technology of the USSR State Committee for programs in conjunction with the Research Institute of Basic Chemistry (Kharkov), the department carried out a study on the use of synthetic alumino-silicates (zeolites) as fillers of polymeric materials. In this direction, we developed methods for surface modification of synthetic zeolite to impart functional properties, was created many new PMC. There works are protected by a number of copyright certificates, introduced in the industry, including the manufacture of sorbents that operate in closed respiratory systems.

For specialized institute NITI “Lita” (Vilnus, Lithuania) technology developed by photochemical sealing means of magnetic heads video and audio recording. The works were introduced at the Kaunas Radio Factory, factory VEF (Riga), Vilnius VO “Wilma”, Kharkov plant Shevchenko.

The Department, together with the Ukrainian Research Institute of Natural Gases in 1989 developed a series of polymer composite materials based on a functionally modified furanepoxy polymers for corrosion protection of the outer surface of the amino gas pipelines, process equipment in the field of extraction and transportation of gas and gas condensate.

All those works (developments) are protected by twelve copyright certificates, patents of Ukraine and the Russian Federation.

In recent years, commissioned by the Institute for Scintillation Material NAS of Ukraine the Department has developed a technology sealing y detectors-camera project “Tanhis”, which allowed them to operate are guaranteed for 10-15 years.

With the same agency conducted research to develop a new technology photochemical polymerization of styrene to produce plastic scintillators, and research new poly-condensation matrices for plastic scintillators with high thermo-and radiation resistance.

An important application of modern work perion was the development of formulations and manufacturing techniques of building and manhole covers and grates wells storm sewer from household waste plastic consumption. These manhole covers of the developed compounds withstand the load without breaking more than 19 tons, and have no analogues in Ukraine.

These works were done by the order of the Government enterprise “Kharkovcommunchistovod”

In 2005 Chair (department) designed using technological regulations of production of large diameter pipes (up to 2 meters) made of polyethylene by the process of coiling. Production of pipes for the first time in Ukraine was put  at “Shiroplast” (Kharkov)

A great contribution to the employees of the department and its graduates have invested in the construction, start-up to full capacity of the first windows and doors factory in Ukraine, “Hope”, which submitted its time VO “Kharkovzhelezobeton” Management of the factory and engeneering-technological employees consisted of only the graduates of the Department.

One of the main directions of scientific activity of the department since its inception and to date is the use and development of RMB to the medical industry.

Research work was carried out in conjunction with the Kharkov factory of medical plastics and dental materials, today the software “Stoma”, the Department of Prosthetic Dentistry Ukrainian Postgraduate Medical Institute, The Kharkov medical University. Works published in the Journal “Medical Equipment”, “Dentistry”, etc….medical journals, received an inventor’s certificate.

Important studies were conducted with the Ukrainian Researcg Institute of Dermatology and Venereology at the development of methods for obtaining biotechnological products-membranes and the latex particles of polymer materials with an activated surface that greatly enhance the possibility of creating new diagnostic test systems. Designed Latex and immuno system for diagnoses of autoimmune and infectious diseases, lesions of the cardiovascular system, thyroid gland diseases.  Also obtained co-polymer particles with magnetic properties for use in separating cells and biomolecules.

In 2007-2008, The Department had carried out works for the Kharkov Center for Vascular Surgery to create supply system based on polymeric materials that will perform bloodless operations on vessels. Given the scientific research in the field of medicine, the availability of specialized “medically biological polymers purpose technology” in 2013, the Department of plastic Technology was renamed for the Department of technology of plastics and biologically active polymers.

Development of scientific researches of the department contributed to the emergence and development of close creative contacts with scientific institutions and organizations in Ukraine and abroad, including leading research institutions of NAS of Ukraine: Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry; Insitute of Physical Chemistry Pisaizhevskogo, Physics and Mechanics Institute; Industrial Reseatrch Institute of Basix Chemistry; Institutions of higher education: MChTI, V.I. Mrndeleeva (Mioscow); National Technical University “Lviv Polytechnics”; Chenmical technology University (Dnepropetrovsk), National University of Technology and Design (Kiev), etc….

During the period Department existed, three of the department graduates acquired PHD and more then 40 graduates-graduation diplomas and became known candidates:

  • Shturman A.A. “Cold-acrylic plastic in tool production. M., Mechanical Engineering, 1965.
  • Nosalevich I.M., Pakharenko V.A., Chemical processes in the processing of thermoplastics. Kharkov, Graduate School of 1981.
  • Lebedev V.P., Avramenko V.L., “Protection of metal corrosion.” Kharkiv 1984.
  • Lebedev V.P., Kaldma R.E., Avramenko V.L., “Reference of anti-corossive paintwork” Kharkov, 1988.
  • Avramenko V.L. (in the book). “Phase processes in heterogeneous polymer systems” / Ed. Academic. NASU E.V. Lebedev, Kiev, Naukova Dumka, 2012.


  • Nosalevich I.M. “Polymer Rheology”. (Lectures textbook), Kharkov, 1978.
  • Nosalevich I.M. “Relaxation transitions of polymers and strength.” (Lectures textbook), Kharkov, 1978.
  • Avramenko V.L., Popov N.G. “Polymer Rheology and strength,” Kiev, CMB IN, 1989.
  • Reznichenko T.I. “Hardware Plastics Factory”, Kharkov, 1989.
  • Navigator A.A.”Construction of plastic parts”, Kharkov, 1991.
  • Navigator A.A.”Pressing and injection molding of plastic products,” Kharkov, 1992.
  • Reznichenko T.I., Podgornaya L.F. “Calculation of equipment for the production and processing of polymeric materials in the examples and problems,” Kharkov, 1994.
  • Mishurov D.A., Popova N.G. “workshop on the rheology of the polers and strength.” Kharkov, NTU, “KPI”, 2011.
  • Piedmont L.P., Cherkashina M., Lebedev V.V., “Theory and methods of researches and tests of plastics. Adhesives and sealants.” Kharkov, Textbook NTU “KPI”, 2012.3

Faculty and Staff of the Department published more than two thousand scientific papers in international and national journals, among them are: “Reports of the National Academy of sciences of Ukraine”, “Polymer Journal”, magazine “Plastics”, “Physio-Chemical Mechanics of Materials”, “Dentistry”, “Printing”, “Functional materials”, “Technical Journal Of Engineering and Applied sciences”, “Journal of AIRCRAFT”, “Building Materials”, “Paint and varnish materials and their applications”, “Mechanics of composite materials”, “Chemical Industry Of Ukraine”, etc….

Employees of the Department made more than three thousand reports on international, union and national conferences and received more then two hundred patents.

The results of scientific work of the Department demonstrated repeatedly in exhibitions at various levels as well as received gold, silver, bronze medals and diplomas.

In recent years, the Department obtained a diploma as a part of All-Ukrainian contest “Invention-2009” and became a winner in nomination “Preservation of the environment”, as well as received a gold medal and diploma of the International Salon of Inventions and New technologies “New Time”, also a diploma for active participation in the International Conference “Plastics in Ukraine-technologies, investment and development.” Students are willing to become a part of scientific research of the Department.  Students along with academic staff prepared and published more than one thousand publications, received ninety-five patents, as well as diplomas and awards at various scientific conferences. Many students became winners of Union national and regional competitions of their scientific work.

An important contribution to the scientific and educational work of the Department have made current and former teachers and researchers who have worked and are still working in that Department: Head of the Department-Rudenko B.M.; Nosalevich I.M. Phd, Avramenko B.L. Phd; Associate professors: Ratnikova K.I., Prilyzkaya N.V., Cheshko F.F., Shturman O.A., Kuznezova V.M., Komarova G.G., kolesnikova Y.D., Zhilyak A.C., Popva N.G., Bliznuk A.B., Podgornaya L.P., Cherkashina G.M., Rassoha A.H., Lebedev V.V., Mishyrov D.A., Daniluk O.A., Assistants: Cherenkov G.I., Romanov I.V., Grigorenko A.B., and others.

A significant contribution to the development and establishment of the department, organization of educational process was made by the head of the laboratory Malyarenko A.R., Homutynnik T.N., as well as engineers and scientists Makarenko S.I., Dushkin V.G., Yakovlev P.A., Popov Y.V., Dudnik M.R., Navickas S.K., Morozov I.V., Teplitskii V.B., Miroshnichenko L.A., White P.A. and many others.

Teachers and employees of the Department are now take a part in a creative search, the quest for new challenges and the desire to make a worthy contribution to the common cause of the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute.”

Head of the department of plastics and biologically active polymers technology professor Avramenko V.L., Phd.







July 2024
