

NTU “KhPI” has created all conditions for the realization of technical ideas of students and scientists. This was achieved due to the active participation of students and teachers of the University in many startups implemented by the University administration on the basis of the University. In particular, students of the EEE and MIT educational and research institutes have created a multifunctional installation “Poly-T” within the framework of the CIGR&DLab program from the Chernovetsky Foundation. The plant implements the latest energy-efficient technology of supersonic fuel combustion. The developed unit is used to solve the following tasks. In industry, this unit is used to apply wear-resistant, corrosion-resistant coatings to metal, ceramic and cermet products. In agriculture, the Poly-T unit provides frost protection for plants and disinfestation of trees in gardens and granaries.

As a promising area, research is underway into the possibility of using the plant to stimulate rainfall. Imagine that you are engaged in agriculture and are waiting for rain. A rain cloud passes over your field, but no rain falls on the field. But you turn on the Poly-T installation and force the rain to fall on your field.

The Poly-T system is also used to extinguish indoor fires. Imagine that you own an apartment or have a business premises. A fire breaks out in your building, firefighters arrive and extinguish the fire with water. The fire is eliminated, but all the property (computers, documentation, wooden furniture, etc.) is damaged not only by the fire, but also by an excessive amount of water. The Poly-T system fills the room with water mist, which reduces water consumption tenfold. As a result, your property is practically undamaged.

When fighting frost, the Poly-T system covers vegetation with warm, environmentally friendly foam. Our technology is competitive because it does not require several tons of water per hectare and is mobile.

The Space Ceramic team, the winners of the 2nd Startup Competition from the Chernovetsky Foundation, is currently using the Poly-T system to apply copper and aluminum to bricks and ceramic tiles. As a result, your buildings are made of time-tested materials, but are stylish and modern.