
The goal of the Department of Car and Tractor Industry is to provide high-quality education in the field of transport. We strive for specialists trained by our teachers to be ready to use the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities to solve complex problems of the transport industry. We try to provide students with fundamental theoretical knowledge, develop practical skills and technological culture so that they can effectively use them for the analysis, development, maintenance, diagnosis, repair of vehicles, as well as implement modern methods, technologies and management solutions in the practice of the transport industry.

The vision of the department is to become a recognized center of education, research and innovation in the field of transport. We achieve our goal by conducting advanced scientific research, cooperation with industrial and academic partners. We provide opportunities for students to realize their potential and develop their professional careers, take an active part in the formation and development of modern approaches, methods and technologies in the field of transport.

The Department of Car and Tractor Industry of NTU “KhPI” trains bachelors and masters in the following specialties:

Training is carried out according to updated educational programs with the possibility of a wide choice of educational components and the formation of one’s own educational trajectory.

The teachers of the department provide a high level of fundamental education and computer training that meets the highest international standards. Thanks to the strong practical training with the use of modern teaching methods, graduates of the department can easily adapt to any field of transport. Graduates of the department are able to design, create and operate vehicles for various purposes and make effective management decisions.