Viktor Chelak
1) Software Testing (Eng.)
2) Software Information Security (Eng.)
3) Reverse Programming (Eng.)
4) Fundamentals of Program and Data Security (Ukr.)
5) Development of Antivirus Protection Systems (Ukr.)
6) Compiler Design Theory (part-time study, Ukr.)
7) Machine Learning (part-time study, Ukr.)
1) Chelak V.V., Development of templates for identification of the state of computer systems based on BDS testing / Semenov S.G., Gavrilenko S.Yu., Chelak V.V. // Bulletin of NTU “KPI”. Informatics and modeling. – Kharkov, 2016. – №21. – p.118-125.
2) Chelak V.V., Developing parametric criterion for registering abnormal behavior in computer and telecommunication systems on the basis of economic test // G. Semenov, S. Gavrilenko, V. Chelak // Actual problems of economics. – Kiev, 2016, Vol 4 (178), pp. 451-459.
3) Chelak V.V., Analysis of Changes in Fractal Characteristics of CPU and Network Card Boots Caused by Malware / S.Yu. Gavrilenko, V.V. Chelak, // STANDART Scientific and Technical Journal of UZSTANDART Agency. 4/2017. – Uzbekistan – 2017. – P. 14-17
4) Chelak V.V., Development of a Heuristic Antivirus Scanner Based on File`s PE-Structure Analysis / S.Yu. Гавриленко, М.С. Melnyk, V.V. Chelak // International Science and Technology Journal, Information Technology and Computer Engineering. №3 (40) 2017. – Vinnytsia 2017 – P. 23-29
5) Chelak V.V., Investigation of Intrusion in Computer Systems Based on the Hurst Exponent / S.Y. Гавриленко, В.В. Chelak, N. Bilogorskiy // Advanced Information Systems Vol.1, No.2,2017. – Kharkov 2017 – C. 58-61
6) Chelak V.V., System of identification of malicious software on the basis of context-free grammars / S.Yu. Gavrilenko V.V. Chelak V.A. Vasilev // Advanced Information Systems Vol.2, No.2,2018. – Kharkov 2018 – C. 101-105
7) Viktor Chelak Identification of the computer system state based on multidimensional discriminant analysis. / S. Gavrylenko, V. Chelak, O. Gornostal S. Gornostal // Proceedings of the 29th International Scientific Symposium Metrology and Metrology Assurance.–Sozopol, Bulgaria.–2019.
8) Chelak V. V. Effectiveness Evaluation of Methods and Means of Information Security in Computer Systems and Networks / V.V.Chelak, E.V. Chelak, S.Yu. Gavrylenko// Proceedings of the 7th International Informatics, management and artificial intelligence.– – 2019.– С. 121.
9) Сhelak V. Research of intelligent data analysis methods for identification of computer system state / S. Gavrylenko, V. Chelak, O. Hornostal //Proceedings of the 30th International Scientific Symposium Metrology and Metrology Assurance.– – Bulgaria.–2020.
10) Chelak V. Development of a method for identification the state of a computer system using fuzzy cluster analysis / V. Chelak, S. Gavrylenko, O. Hornostal, V. Vassilev // Advanced Information Systems Vol.4,No.2.– Kharkov 2020 – C. 8-11
11) Viktor Chelak Method of Identifying the State of Computer System under the Condition of Fuzzy Source Data / Viktor Chelak, Svitlana Gavrylenko and Michael Kazarinov // International Journal of Computer Science and Security (IJCSS).– Volume (14) : Issue (5).– 2020.– pp.174-186.
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