145 Відновлювані джерела енергії та гідроенергетика

Educational program – Hydropower
Focus program – Computer Engineering in Renewable Energy
Level of higher education – bachelor’s, master’s

Link to site Applicant of NTU “KhPI”

The objects of study and activity of a specialist in hydropower are the basics of energy conservation and energy management; power supply systems for enterprises; small hydropower; municipal energy facilities; power equipment for systems based on renewable energy sources; hydraulic engineering equipment of industrial enterprises; power equipment of hydroelectric power plants; hydropower technologies; hydrological processes of power and technological installations; as well as the processes of generation, transformation, transmission, distribution, use of energy; processes of fluid dynamics and energy and mass transfer.

Is this specialty relevant?

The most important branches of hydraulic engineering are: hydropower, engineering reclamation, water transport, the fight against harmful manifestations of the water element, floods and floods, etc. These sections of hydraulic engineering and hydropower will be in demand in 20 years and in the longer term.

The customers of future specialists are power generating companies (hydroelectric power plants, pumped storage power plants, nuclear power plants, thermal power plants), water supply and sewerage and industrial enterprises, local and regional power grids.

In the modern world, almost all stages of product development are closely related to computer technology and software. Therefore, hydropower specialists can, due to their skills in working in modern software products for calculating the flow of fluids, mass transfer and strength, work at almost any industrial and scientific enterprise.

The need for specialists in hydropower is felt at many enterprises in Ukraine and abroad.

What will I learn?

The training programs are designed in such a way as to prepare a comprehensively developed, high-quality and modern specialist.

Much attention is paid to obtaining programming skills, three-dimensional computer modeling of processes in engineering, CFD calculations, energy, turbine construction and equipment design.

The laboratories of the department are equipped with modern equipment that is used in leading factories and enterprises of the industry.

Where can I work after graduation?

Educated specialists in hydropower can find employment in a wide range of design and manufacturing enterprises in Ukraine and around the world. World-class enterprises where our graduates work: power plants of various types, Turboatom, Boeing, Motorimpex, DTEK and many others.

If you are interested in this specialty, you can send an email to asrogovoy@ukr.net with a return email address or phone number.

We will contact you and provide timely information on admission to NTU “KhPI” for our specialty.

Contact phone: + 38066-762-87-58