Information Systems and Technologies
Student Scientific Clubs

Student Scientific Clubs

At the moment, the Department has such scientific clubs:
Areas of research and problem-solving groups and groups of students of the SEMIT Department in 2021-2022

Valentina Vladimirovna MOSKALENKO, Professor.

1. Information technologies of strategic management of development of complex organizational and technical systems. Once in 2 weeks.

  • Moskalenko V.V. The concept of diagnostic system for enterprise management on the basis of multicriteria analysis of efficiency indicators / Moskalenko V.V., Bronnikov N.O. Status, achievements and prospects of information systems and technologies / Proceedings of the XX All-Ukrainian scientific and technical conference of young scientists, graduate students and students. Part I. Odessa, April 21-22, 2020 – Odessa, ONAHT Publishing House, 2020 – P. 137-138.





Natalia Evgenievna KHATSKO, Associate Professor.

2. Research of models and algorithms for constructing the trajectory of the object in difficult conditions using modern IT-technologies. Once in 2 weeks.

  • Khatsko N.E., Molchanov K.D. Comparative analysis of ways to integrate systems // III International Student Scientific Conference “Current issues and prospects for research” 10.12.2021 • Truskavets, UKR, Volume 3, P. 34-36