From February 10, 2025, to February 14, 2025, Prof. V.V. Ivakhno, together with Oleksandr Plakhtiy, Associate Professor of the Department of Electrical Engineering, Electrical Power Engineering, and Electromechanics of the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport (Kharkiv), was on a business trip to Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech), Tallinn, Estonia. The purpose of the trip was a scientific visit to work within the framework of the EURIZON project, conducted in collaboration with TalTech, the Power Electronics Group of the Department of Electrical Power Engineering and Mechatronics, led by a renowned European expert in conversion technology, a full member of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, Prof. Dmitri Vinnikov. During the visit, there was an exchange of previous research results, exchange of research data in the field of power electronics for solar energy, specifically solutions to improve power quality indicators and reduce losses in converters, discussion and preparation of joint scientific publications. A report was made at a scientific seminar on the topic “Improving the Energy Efficiency of Power Grids with Parallel Power Active Filters Based on Voltage and Current Inverters.” A new version of the agreement on scientific and technical cooperation between NTU “KhPI” and TalTech was also agreed upon and approved, which provides for a wide range of scientific, technical, academic, methodological, and cultural cooperation, including the exchange of scientific publications, educational materials, invitations to university representatives to participate in conferences and symposia, exchange of students, graduate students, interns, specialists to improve their qualifications, joint participation in European and other international projects.
Visited colleagues at “Tallinn University of Technology, TalTech”, Tallinn, Estonia.