The Seventh International Conference on Project and Program Management «Integrated Management 2016″ Has Finished

On the 16-18 of February 2016 in the village Slavske in Lviv region in the ski resort area in the hotel “Pearl of the Carpathians” took part the 7-th International Scientific and Practical Conference «Integrated Strategic Management, Portfolio, Program and Project Management». The organizer of the conference is traditional – Strategic Management Department of NTU “KhPI” with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Ukrainian Project Management Association «UKRNET”, Lviv National Agrarian University, O.M. Beketov Kharkiv National University of Urban Economy. This year conference partners were a construction company “Zhilstroy-2”, a consulting company “DІYati!», and IT companies – Softjourn, LineUp, ErmineSoft.

This year’s conference was opened by Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, D.Sc., Laureate of the S.A. Lebedev’s prize of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Rector of NTU “KhPI”, prof. Evgeniy Sokol. The conference was attended by more than 100 scientists, experts and business representatives from 34 companies from Ukraine, Turkey, Bulgaria, Azerbaijan. In total, the conference was attended by 27 doctors and 31 candidates of sciences. For the first time during the existence of the conference presentations were made by the presidents of the Association of Project Management of the three countries, namely the President of the Azerbaijan Project Management Association AzPMA, Igbal Babayev; President of the Turkish Association of Project Management TrPMA, Çetin Elmas; President of the Ukrainian Project Management Association UPMA, Sergey Bushuyev.

During the conference the issues concerning formation of enterprise development strategies and the implementation of these strategies by managing portfolios of projects, programs and individual projects were discussed. The conference held a master class of Professor Victor Gogunsky “Bibliometric of Scientific Research.” Actively worked section of IT project management, where speakers were practicing project managers and executives of private IT companies.

All articles of the conference participants (46 articles) were published in two issues of Bulletin of NTU “KhPI”. Series: «Strategic Management, Portfolio, Program and Project Management» ,which is a special edition, approved for publication of dissertation research.

The electronic version of the articles of the conference, presentations, and photo archive can be found in the section «Conference Archive» on the conference web-site.

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