The Bachelors 2016 have successfully defended their theses

During two days, on 6th and 7th June 2016, on the department of strategic management were defended bachelor theses of students of 4th сourse , group KN-22 in the direction “Computer Science”. This year, the committee reviewed 15 theses, including three integrated team projects. One of the projects was presented by the team of four people, two other integrated team projects were presented by three and two people respectively.

Theses have been devoted to the development of information systems for solving various kinds of applications in areas such as project management, portfolio management, education, transport, industry. In their works, the students have demonstrated excellent knowledge of modern information technologies – applied various web technologies, technology platforms .NET, Java, and database management systems.

As a result of consideration of all the theses, state examination commission in the head of Professor Igor Kononenko, Associate Professor Marina Grinchenko and Assistant Igor Babich appreciated the work of 10 students as “excellent / A”, three works on the “good / C” and two works on “satisfactory”. All the students got the education and qualification level “bachelor” and the qualification “Bachelor of Computer Science”.

All the topics of the defended theses can be found on the «Graduates» page of the department website.

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