The Masters 2016 have successfully defended their theses

During three days, on 14th, 15th and 17th June 2016, on the department of strategic management were defended masters theses of students of 6th сourse, groups KN-20m and KNз-20m in the direction “Project Management”. This year, the committee reviewed 23 theses, 13 of them were works of full-time students and 10 works of students of correspondence courses.

Theses have been devoted to planning the implementation of various investment projects in areas such as production, trade, and services, consulting, IT. Each research in details examines the business plan of the investment project, as well as applies all project management processes according to ISO 21500 standard: 2012 and methodology PMI PMBOK. A separate section of the thesis was devoted to the research part in which students examined the use of modern information technologies and flexible project management methodologies, tools of management of requirements in IT projects, methods of motivation and stimulation of the personnel, methods of business process reengineering, models of management of project stakeholders .

As a result of consideration of all the theses, state examination commission consisting of Professor O.V.Maleeva (chairman of the committee, Dr. Sc., Professor of the Information Control System Department of National Aerospace University – Kharkov Aviation Institute, the head of department Professor Igor Kononenko, Associate Professor Anton Rogovoy and Associate Professor Tatyana Efremenko appreciated the work of eight full-time students as “excellent” and five works as “good”. The works of five students of correspondence courses were appreciated on the ” excellent”, three works on “good” and two works on “satisfactory”. All the students got the education and qualification level “Master” in speciality “Project Management” and the qualification “Project and Program Manager (tangible /intangible production)”.

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