Head of the Department of Strategic Management, Prof., D.Sc. I.V.Kononenko and Senior Lecturer of this department, Ph.D. K.S. Bukrieieva from April 12 to 17, lectured and trained at the WSB University in Wroclaw and Opole (Poland). The trip was carried out within the framework of the “Erasmus+” Program project. WSB has universities in 10 cities and is the largest educational holding in Poland. WSB offers applicants 130 accredited programs at the bachelor’s and master’s level, extensive opportunities for postgraduate studies and for an MBA program.
Our teachers gave lectures for masters on the following topics: “How to increase the effectiveness of strategic management, management of a portfolio of projects and individual projects of a company”, “How do you implement agile project management?”, “How do I write a business plan? ”. There were meetings and discussion of further cooperation with the University Chancellor, Dr. Marek Natalli, Vice Chancellor Malgorzata Jagusch, Director of the Institute Prof. Marian Noga, Head of the Center for International Cooperation Mr. Jarosław Tomaszewski, with university professors. At all meetings, there were words about the common interest of our universities to continue and develop cooperation in all areas of activity – in the field of education and in the field of science.
Cooperation with the largest educational holding of Poland