
Vorobiuov Б.В. Bogdan VOROBIUOV
head of department
Kunchenko T.Yu. Tetiana KUNCHENKO
PhD in Technical Sciences,
associate professor,
deputy head of the department
Klepikov V.B. Volodymyr KLEPIKOV
Doctor of Technical Sciences,
Honored worker of science and technology of Ukraine
Shcherbak Ya.V. Yakiv Shcherbak
Doctor of Technical Sciences,
Anishchenko M.V. Mykola ANISHCHENKO
PhD in Technical Sciences,
professor of the department
Voinov V.V. Volodymyr VOINOV
PhD in Technical Sciences,
professor of the department,
deputy director IES in PEEE
Кутовой Ю.Н. Yuri KUTOVYJ
PhD in Technical Sciences,
professor of the department
Osychev O.V. Oleksander OSYCHEV
PhD in Technical Sciences,
professor of the department
Shamardina V.M. Vira SHAMARDINA
PhD in Technical Sciences,
professor of the department
Asmolova L.V. Larysa ASMOLOVA
PhD in Technical Sciences,
associate professor
Obruch I.V. Ihor OBRUCH
PhD in Technical Sciences,
associate professor of the department
Kovalev V.M. Viktor KOVALEV
PhD in Technical Sciences,
associate professor
Kotlyarov V.O. Volodymyr KOTLYAROV
PhD in Technical Sciences,
associate professor of the department
Pohasij S.S. Serhij POHASIJ
PhD in Technical Sciences,
associate professor of the department
Tkachenko A.O. Andrij TKACHENKO
PhD in Technical Sciences,
associate professor of the department
Tukalov I.O. Ihor TUKALOV
PhD in Technical Sciences,
associate professor
Koliushko D.H. Denys KOLIUSHKO
Senior Research Scientist,
PhD in Technical Sciences,
associate professor of the department
Pshenychnykov D.O. Dmytro PSHENYCHNYKOV
Senior Research Scientist,
PhD in Technical Sciences,
associate professor
Semikov O.V. Olexij SEMIKOV
PhD in Technical Sciences,
Senior Lecturer
Timoschenko A.V. Andrij TIMOSCHENKO
Senior Lecturer
Tishchenko L.V. Lyudmyla TISHCHENKO
Senior Lecturer
Sakun E.V. Evhen SAKUN
Kirilenko Ya.O. Yaroslav KIRILENKO
Assistant, Graduate student
Belyaev O.S. Oleh BELYAEV
Graduate student
Zemtsova K.O. Kateryna ZEMTSOVA
Graduate studentка
Senchenko S.O. Serhij SENCHENKO
Graduate student
Sobchenko V.V. Vitalij SOBCHENKO
Graduate student
Krokhmalev O.A. Oleksij KROKHMALEV
Head of laboratories,
head of computer center
Kastorny P.M. Petro KASTORNY
Master of Industrial Training
Shapovalova I.O. Iryna SHAPOVALOVA
Master of Industrial Training
Ermakova I.V. Iryna ERMAKOVA
Engineer I category
Likhno K.V. Kateryna LIKHNO
Engineer I category
Panskaya H.V. Hanna PANSKAYA
Engineer I category

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