Автоматизація та кібербезпека енергосистем


History of the department

Increasing the efficiency and reliability of the process of production, transmission, and distribution of electric energy is impossible without the automation of technological processes. Therefore, the issue of power system automation has always been acute in the energy industry of Ukraine. In connection with this, in 2003, the department “Automation of Power Systems” was formed, which separated from the department “Power Stations” and began to train and graduate bachelors, specialists, and masters in the specialty “Management systems for production and distribution of electricity”. Volodymyr Ulyanovych Kyzylov became the first head of the department, who introduced many new courses such as “Modern Problems of Energy”, “Modern Mathematics in Energy” and “Basics of Technical Creativity”. The content of these disciplines includes materials that are not found in textbooks and training manuals, which can be learned only from scientific and technical literature, specialized magazines, patents, and presentations of companies and organizations. Volodymyr Ulyanovych was the author of many developments of automation devices that were put into mass production, he was the first in the history of the university to be awarded the honorary title “Honored Inventor of Ukraine.”

Since 2004, the department has been headed by Oleksandr Khaimovich Gorelyk, who was part-time director of the Kharkiv Research Institute of Complex Automation.

In 2010, the position of the head of the department was taken by Professor Oleg Gerasimovych Hryb, who in 2013 became the Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of Science and Technology for the work “Automated System of Accounting for electric energy with control of quality indicators”. Oleg Gerasimovych is the author of more than 350 scientific works, and several doctoral and candidate theses were defended under his supervision.

In 2017, the department changed its name to “Automation and Cybersecurity of Power Systems” and opened the specialty “Cyber ​​security technologies in Electric power Engineering”, which trains both bachelor and master.

From June 2021, the department will be headed by Dmytro Anatoliyovych Gapon, who is a doctor of technical sciences and a specialist in the field of digital energy.

As of January 1, 2022, the scientific and pedagogical team of the department includes 5 doctors of science and 4 candidates of science.