Автоматизація та кібербезпека енергосистем


WE ARE PLEASED TO WELCOME YOU ON THE WEBSITE OF THE DEPARTMENT "Automation and cybersecurity of the power systems"

Our Department is one of the few departments that forms the scientific potential of modern power engineering, conducts systematic training of qualified scientific and pedagogical staff (doctors of sciences and doctors of philosophy PHD), leads promising research in monitoring the functioning and cybersecurity of Ukraine’s energy system.

Department of “Automation and Cybersecurity of Power Systems” NTU “KhPI “Prepares bachelors and masters in the specialty: 141 “Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics”. The graduate of the department is an electrical engineer, power engineer and specialist in relay protection and automation.


DPA Microprocessor Devices

The department prepares according to the following profiles:

«Power generation and distribution management systems» – which provides great prospects in employment and career growth;
The list of qualifications of the profile training program “Electricity generation and distribution management systems” provides an opportunity to hold a wide range of positions in the electricity industry, including:


                    Diamond Terminal

The most popular are highly paid specialists of the relay protection and automation service of most important enterprises of the energy sector of Ukraine.



Unmanned aerial vehicles

Specialists in the control of operating modes digital substation and trunk lines using UAV (unmanned aerial vehicles)




«Cybersecurity technologies in the power industry »current specialization in world electricity. Masters who have mastered the profile training “Cybersecurity technologies in the power industry”:

 Specialists in hardware and software of power elements of digital substations and automated control systems of the national energy system of Ukraine.