About the department

логотип кафедри

In 2026, the Department of Ceramic Technology, Refractories, Glass, and Enamels at the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” will celebrate its 100th anniversary. The department’s official founding year as an independent entity is 1926, although its origins date back to 1910 when it was part of the Department of Mineral Substances Technology, headed by the renowned scientist, Academician E.I. Orlov.

The training of specialists and scientific research in the field of silicate technologies began in 1910 at the Department of Mineral Raw Materials under the leadership of Academician Orlov E.I., who also served as the Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry. A distinguished chemical-technologist, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, and honored professor, Orlov E.I. authored over 130 scientific works, including a monograph on the technology of silicate production, mineral pigments, and more. His research in general chemical technology laid the foundation for the creation of a scientific school in the physical chemistry of silicates.

The Department of Ceramic Technology was founded in 1926 as part of the Kharkiv Chemical-Technological Institute. The first head of the department (1926–1941) and the founder of the scientific school was the world-renowned scientist, Hero of Socialist Labor, three-time State Prize Laureate, Honored Worker of Science and Technology, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR and Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor P.P. Budnikov. Petro Petrovich trained a whole generation of well-known scientists both in Ukraine and abroad, including Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor G.V. Kukolev (who led the department from 1944 to 1974), Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine A.S. Berezhnoi (who headed the department from 1974 to 1984), Professors L.D. Svirskiy, E.I. Vedia, N.V. Pitak, and many others.

P.P. Budnikov’s scientific leadership was characterized by a sharp understanding of the most important contemporary problems facing domestic science and technology, taking into account developments abroad. His work was distinguished by deep theoretical knowledge, a broad range of research, innovation, and inventiveness, evident in his original and effective solutions to scientific problems. He had a remarkable ability to combine theoretical developments with practical tasks, successfully applying experience gained in other fields to his area of science and technology. P.P. Budnikov’s research defined and formulated key questions in the fields of physical chemistry and silicate technology. His scientific work includes 800 papers, over 50 monographs, and textbooks. Academician P.P. Budnikov conducted fundamental research in chemically resistant, refractory, and highly refractory materials for the coking, chemical, and metallurgical industries. His scientific contributions focused on the kinetics of solid-phase reactions, thermochemistry of binders, and the study of the chemical and thermal stability of refractories, cement corrosion, and concrete.

In subsequent years, the department was led by Associate Professor Z.A. Livson (1941–1944), Professor G.V. Kukolev (1944–1974), Academician A.S. Berezhnoi (1974–1984), and Professor M.I. Rishchenko (1984–2018).

The scientific interests of Professor G.V. Kukolev were centered on theoretical research in the area of physicochemical mechanics and the theory of sintering of clay and silicate materials, with a practical orientation in the results of scientific research. G.V. Kukolev authored 150 scientific papers, including the leading textbooks Physical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry of Silicates, Problems in Chemistry and Physical Chemistry of Silicates, and Ceramic and Refractory Technology. During his tenure as head, the department made invaluable contributions to the development of the physicochemical foundations of ceramic, refractory, and binder production, as well as to the modernization of refractory industry plants and the introduction of energy-saving technologies using surfactants and industrial waste.

In 1974, the department was headed by A.S. Berezhnoi, a world-renowned scientist in the field of physical chemistry of silicates, and the founder of subsolidus structure diagrams for multicomponent silicate systems. Academician A.S. Berezhnoi authored more than 200 scientific papers; his fundamental monographs on the physical chemistry of silicates summarized work in the area of solid-phase reactions and the structure of multicomponent oxide systems. The branch of the department, PJSC “Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Refractories,” bears the name of Academician A.S. Berezhnoi. His name is also included in the Who’s Who dictionary of the International Biographical Foundation in Cambridge as one of the “Outstanding People of the 20th Century”.

Since the department’s founding, all research has been united under a common direction, which defined the name of the department’s scientific school: “Physicochemical Foundations for the Creation of New Heat-Resistant Nonmetallic Silicate Composite Materials and Coatings”. This direction was set by Academician P.P. Budnikov and later developed by Professors G.V. Kukolev, E.I. Vedia, A.S. Berezhnoi, and L.D. Svirskiy. The development of the department’s scientific school is based on the achievements of its outstanding staff and takes into account global trends in the creation of advanced technologies, expanding into fields such as nanotechnology, biomaterials, biotechnology, energy- and resource-saving technologies, and unconventional technologies.

From 1984 to 2018, the department was headed by Mikhail Ivanovich Rishchenko, a graduate of the department, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, and Academician of the Ukrainian Technological Academy. By decree of the President of Ukraine No. 726/2008 “On the Awarding of State Decorations of Ukraine to Workers of Enterprises, Institutions, and Organizations on the Occasion of Independence Day,” Mikhail Ivanovich Rishchenko was awarded the title of “Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine” (2008). In 2009, he was awarded the title of “Honorary Professor of Dnipropetrovsk State Chemical Technology University”. In 2010, M.I. Rishchenko was awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine “For Services to the Ukrainian People”. He is a well-known scientist specializing in the technology of refractory nonmetallic and silicate materials. His contribution to the department includes orienting its research toward the development of advanced energy- and resource-saving technologies.

From 2018 to 2024, the department was headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, and Academician of the Ukrainian Technological Academy, Yaroslav Mykolayovych Pitak, the founder of the globally recognized scientific school “Physicochemical Foundations of the Structure of Multicomponent Oxide Systems”. Under his supervision, 9 Ph.D. candidates and more than 1,000 highly qualified specialists were trained. Y.M. Pitak authored over 450 scientific papers, 4 textbooks approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 2 monographs, and dozens of patents and inventions. He is a member of two specialized councils for the defense of doctoral dissertations and serves on the editorial boards of Technology Audit and Production Reserves, Scientific Research in Refractories and Technical Ceramics, and Scientific Bulletin of Construction. For his achievements in science and teaching, Y.M. Pitak was awarded the Honorary Diploma and the “Excellence in Education” badge by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

In 2024, the department was headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Olena Yuriyivna Fedorenko, who continues the traditions of the globally recognized scientific school “Physicochemical Foundations for the Creation of New Heat-Resistant Nonmetallic Silicate Composite Materials and Coatings”. She leads the “Scientific Foundations for Energy-Saving and Resource-Saving Technologies for Ceramic, Composite, and Glass Materials for Modern Silicate Industries” direction.

Olena Fedorenko is a member of two specialized councils for the defense of doctoral dissertations (D 64.050.03 at NTU “KhPI” and D 08.078.02 at the “Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology, Dnipro”), as well as the Expert Council of the Ministry of Education and Science for scientific projects in the “Chemistry” (2020–2021) and “Materials Science” (2022–2024) sections. She also serves on the editorial boards of Technology Audit and Production Reserves, Scientific Research in Refractories and Technical Ceramics, and Scientific Bulletin of Construction. She has authored over 350 scientific papers, 4 textbooks approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 8 monographs, and over 30 patents.

Under her leadership, 8 Ph.D. candidates and more than 50 highly qualified specialists have been trained, working in scientific institutions and industries. The scientific work of talented students and postgraduates, supervised by O.Y. Fedorenko, has repeatedly won regional and national competitions for young scientists. For her educational achievements, she has received numerous honorary diplomas and certificates.

Among the scientific interests of Professor O.Y. Fedorenko are the following areas: research on the formation conditions and relationships between the phase composition and physicochemical properties of ceramic materials and protective coatings for various functional purposes, the development of energy-saving technologies for dense sintered ceramic products, the synthesis of new materials with specified properties, and the development of technologies for products for special, electrical, household, and construction purposes. Olena Fedorenko has extensive experience in managing R&D projects, both for government and commercial contracts. Currently, she is leading two scientific research projects commissioned by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

The Department today

The department’s educational and scientific potential is currently represented by 14 employees, including 6 doctors and 4 candidates of technical sciences and associate professors. Among them are Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of Ukraine, and State Prize Laureate of Ukraine G.V. Lisachuk; Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, and member of the expert council of the Ukrainian Higher Attestation Commission O.Y. Fedorenko; and Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor H.M. Shabanova. They are the leaders of the department’s main scientific directions, which include the development of high-resource, dense sintered ceramic materials of a new generation for technology and construction applications, the technology of creating silicate and composite materials and coatings with specified, including special, properties through controlled phase and structure formation, and the development of heat-resistant glass-ceramic, glass-composite, and glass-enamel coatings for metal protection.

In the past 5 years, Associate Professor V.V. Taranenkova and Senior Researcher O.M. Borisenko have earned Doctor of Technical Sciences degrees.

Each year, the department’s scientists publish 60–70 articles in domestic and foreign professional journals, and participate in more than 10 international conferences and exhibitions in Ukraine and abroad, including in Germany, the Czech Republic, France, Spain, Italy, Turkey, Sweden, England, and Jordan. Over the past 10 years, the department has published more than 10 monographs, 7 textbooks, and 6 collections of methodological guidelines.

Students from the 3rd to 6th years actively participate in scientific research, present their results at domestic and international conferences, and co-author numerous publications and inventions.

Graduates of the department work in various industries in Ukraine and abroad (Czech Republic, Slovenia, USA, Canada, Germany, France, Israel, and others).

Throughout its existence, the department has collaborated with leading institutes of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, including the Institute for Superhard Materials, the Institute for Materials Science, the Institute for Colloid Chemistry and Water Chemistry, the Institute for Machine Building Problems, the Ukrainian Physical-Technical Institute, and the Institute for Energy-Saving Problems. It also maintains partnerships with foreign institutions and companies, such as the University of Technology, Business, and Design (Wismar, Germany), the F.A. Finger Institute for Building Materials (Weimar, Germany), and companies such as Mefrit and EMO FRITE (Czech Republic), and with national enamel associations in the USA, France, and Italy.

If you decide to dedicate your career to creating modern and advanced materials, which are indispensable in all industries, we invite you to study at NTU “KhPI,” a higher-level university that offers a specialty in 161 “Chemical Technology and Engineering” with a focus on 161.02 “Chemical Technologies of Refractory Nonmetallic and Silicate Materials”. This program is offered by the Department of Ceramic Technology, Refractories, Glass, and Enamels at the Educational and Scientific Institute of Chemical Technologies and Engineering.

Current Areas of Research in the Department’s Scientific School:

  1. Physical Chemistry of Multicomponent Oxide Systems (led by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Yaroslav Mykolayovych Pitak)
  2. Technology for Creating Silicate, Glass-Crystalline, and Composite Materials and Coatings with Special Properties Through Controlled Phase and Structure Formation (led by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Heorhiy Viktorovych Lisachuk)
  3. Scientific Foundations of Energy-Saving and Resource-Saving Technologies for Ceramic, Composite, and Glass Materials for Modern Silicate Industries (led by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Olena Yuriyivna Fedorenko)
  4. Development of High-Resource Ceramic Materials of a New Generation for Technology and Construction Applications (led by Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor Liudmyla Pavlivna Shchukina)
  5. Physicochemical Foundations for Creating Functional and Environmentally Efficient Building Binders and Composite Materials Based on Them (led by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Halyna Mykolayivna Shabanova)
  6. Synthesis of Refractory Compounds and Creation of High-Efficiency Structural Materials and Refractories (led by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Yaroslav Mykolayovych Pitak)

The Department Offers the Following Educational Levels:

  • Bachelor of Chemical Technology and Engineering (4 years, based on full secondary education or a junior specialist diploma).
  • Master of Chemical Technology and Engineering (1 year 4 months or 1 year 9 months).

Upon the request of enterprises, specialist training on a contractual basis is possible through individualized curricula and plans, tailored to the specific production needs.

In addition to academic studies, students of the department have the opportunity to receive military training at the specialized military department of NTU “KhPI” and be awarded a corresponding military rank.

The department also offers graduate and doctoral programs.