You are welcomed by the staff of the department of computer control of processes and systems. The department was established in 1964 to train highly qualified personnel who would have both practical engineering training and fundamental knowledge in mathematics and information technology. The system of students’ training, created by then at the Faculty of Engineering and Physics, was used to train engineers – developers of control systems for various aircraft, including space vehicles. Over the past decades, the department has produced more than one and a half thousand specialists who work at such enterprises as HARTRON-ARKOS, Shevchenko, Research Institute of Comprehensive Automation, in universities and scientific institutes. Currently, the department trains bachelors, engineers and masters in the specialties “Applied Mathematics” and “Informatics”.
The modern development of information technologies requires the availability of specialists capable of performing a wide range of tasks that know various systems that have a wide knowledge base in various fields connected with information technologies, in particular knowledge of mathematical disciplines.
The department teaches a wide range of modern disciplines related to information technologies, such as Databases and information systems, Internet technologies and programming languages, Modern methods for processing distributed data, System programming, Operating systems, API fundamentals, Programming technology, Specialized DBMSs , DBMS, Multimedia technologies, Special programming languages.
Students studying in Computer Science specialty study not only information technologies, but also various mathematical courses, such as Mathematical Analysis, Probability Theory, Differential Equations, Optimization Methods, Decision-Making Theory and others. A number of courses are also being studied to expand the knowledge of students in the field of information technologies and their applications, such as Theory of Algorithms, Mathematical and Information Support for Complex Signal Processing Systems, Methods and Means of Pattern Recognition.
Joint study of mathematical disciplines and disciplines related to information technologies allows preparing specialists who can solve a whole complex of problems in the field of software development and information systems from the design and construction of necessary mathematical models to the implementation of ready-made systems. Graduates of the department possess the necessary knowledge in order to solve the following tasks: to design an information system, to build the necessary mathematical models, to design and create a database, to develop a software product, to commission its operation.
Thanks to this training, graduates quickly find a job in their specialty in public and private enterprises in our country and abroad.
The main scientific direction of the department is the development of mathematical models for processing complex information, such as images in technical vision systems.
Currently, the faculty and staff of the department are mastering new areas for the introduction of scientific achievements – the use of vision systems at customs (introscopy), landing aircraft, on conveyor lines. Studies are also being conducted in the field of increasing the effectiveness of distance learning via the Internet, creating electronic textbooks, introducing new software technologies in the creation of knowledge bases and expert systems.