Department’s staff

klitnoi volodymyr

Head of the Department

Ph.D., Associate Professor



Ph.D., Associate Professor


borodin dmytro

Ph.D., Associate Professor


gaydamaka anatoliy


Doctor of Technical Sciences, 

Professor of NTU “KhPI”



klitnoi viktor

Ph.D., Professor of the Department


krytikov gennadiy

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor


kulik gennadiy

Ph.D., Associate Professor


naumov olexander

Head of Laboratory, Senior Lecturer



Ph.D., Assistant


strizkhak mariana

Ph.D., Associate Professor


francuzov viktor

Senior Lecturer


butova olena

Engineer 1 Category


lavrik natalia

Engineer 1 Category


myz irina

Senior Laboratory Assistant. Engineer of the Department


nikonov petro

Head of Laboratory


fedina olga

Technician 1 Category