

Федорин Илья Валериевич
1985 г.р.


В 2009 году закончил физико-технический факультет Харьковского политехнического института по специальности физика материаловедения для электроники и гелиоэнергетики и получил квалификацию инженера-физика-исследователя.


С 2013 года – кандидат физико-математических наук по специальности 01.04.07 – «Физика твердого тела»


Национальный технический университет «Харьковский политехнический институт» 61002, Украина, Харьков, ул. Фрунзе 21,


Доцент кафедры физического материаловедения для электроники и гелиоэнергетики (с 2013 года)


Радиофизика твердого тела, в частности: аналитические и численные исследования различных типов электромагнитных волн в слоистых периодических структурах, состоящих из диэлектрических, ферритовых и полупроводниковых слоев; математические методы в электромагнитной теории; физика фотонных кристаллов и метаматериалов; оптические и электродинамические свойства периодических структур.


2009- по настоящий моментчлен IEEE;

2010 – член организационного комитета международной конференции «Mathematical methods in electromagnetic theory» (MMET’2010), Kyiv, Ukraine (www.mmet.org);

2011 – Student Branch Chapter Vice-Chair, IEEE ED Society IRE NASU-Kharkiv;

2012-2013 – Student Branch Chapter Chair, IEEE ED Society IRE NASU-Kharkiv;

2012 – член организационного комитета международной конференции «Mathematical methods in electromagnetic theory» (MMET’2012), Kharkiv, Ukraine (www.mmet.org).

  1. Список наиболее значимых публикаций
  2. 1. A.A. Bulgakov and V. Fedorin, The Phenomenon of Conical Refraction in a Thin-Layer Periodic Semiconductor-Dielectric Structure in a Magnetic Field, Optics and Spectroscopy, 2012, vol. 112, No. 2, pp. 474-481.
  3. 2. A.A. Bulgakov and V. Fedorin, Surface Electromagnetic Waves in the Fine-Stratified Periodic Semiconductor-Dielectric Structure in a Magnetic Field, Solid State Physics, 2012, vol. 54, No. 8, pp.1566-1574.
  4. A.A. Bulgakov and I.V. Fedorin, Ellipsoidal Properties of the reflection Factors from a Thin-Layer Periodic Semiconductor-Dielectric Structure in a Magnetic Field,Telecommunications and Radio Engineering, 2012, vol. 71, No. 13, pp.1213-1227.
  5. A.A. Bulgakov and I.V. Fedorin, Surface States in the Fine-Stratified Structure in an External Magnetic Field, Radiophysics and Electronics, 2012, Vol. 3 (17), № 2, pp. 63-67 (in Russian).
  6. 5. A.A. Bulgakov and V. Fedorin, Electrodynamic Properties of a Thin-Film Periodic Structure in an External Magnetic Field, Technical Physics, 2011, vol. 56, No. 4, pp. 510-514.
  7. 6. A.A. Bulgakov and V. Fedorin, Features of the external conical refraction phenomenon in the fine-stratified periodic semiconductor/dielectric structure in an external magnetic field, Journal of Technical Electrodynamics, Thematic IssuePower Electronics and Energy Efficiency, 2011, №1, pp. 340-343 (in Russian).
  8. 7. A.A. Bulgakov and V. Fedorin, Features of the reflectivity and transmittivity from the fine-stratified structures consisting of dielectric and semiconductor layers,Journal of Technical Electrodynamics, Thematic Issue Power Electronics and Energy Efficiency, 2010, №1, pp. 293-296 (in Russian).
  9. I.V. Fedorin and A.A. Bulgakov, “Polarization transformations by a biaxial metamaterial on a metal substrate” // Proc. of International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics – Metamaterials 2013, Bordeaux, France, 16-21 September, 2013 (3 pages).
  10. I.V. Fedorin, V.V. Baibak and A.A. Bulgakov, “THz Surface electromagnetic waves in multilayer periodic semiconductor-dielectric structure” // Proc. of 23rd International Conference «Microwave and Telecommunication Technology» Crimico 2013, 8-14 September 2013, Sevastopol, Crimea, Ukraine (2 pages).
  11. I.V. Fedorin and A.A. Bulgakov, “Surface electromagnetic waves on a slab of biaxial periodic metamaterial in an external magnetic field” // Proc. of Eight International Kharkov Symposium on «Physics and Engineering of Microwaves, Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves» (MSMW 13), June 23-28, 2013, Kharkov, Ukraine (4 pages).
  12. I.V. Fedorin and A.A. Bulgakov, “Polarization Transformation of the Reflected and Transmitted Fields by a Sub-Wavelength Semiconductor/Dielectric Metamaterial in a Magnetic Field” // Proc. Of 4-th International Topical Meeting on Nanophotonics and Metamaterials (Nanometa 2013), Seefeld, Tirol, Austria, 3-6 January, 2013, (1 page).
  13. I.V. Fedorin and A.A. Bulgakov, “Surface plasmon polaritons in subwavelength semiconductor-dielectric periodic structure in an external magnetic field” // Proc. OfMetamaterials 2012 Congress, 17-22 September, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2012, P. 288-290.
  14. I.V. Fedorin and A.A. Bulgakov, “Electromagnetic wave reflection and transmission by a fine-stratified semiconductor-dielectric periodic structure in an external magnetic field” // Proc. Of European Microwave conference (EuMC 2012), October 28th — November 2nd, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2012, P. 1229-1232.
  15. 14. Fedorin I.V. The Features of Conical Refraction Phenomenon in the Semiconductor-Dielectric Subwavelength Periodic Structure / V. Fedorin, A.A. Bulgakov // Proceedings of The 13-th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory (MMET 2012), 28-30 August, Kharkov, Ukraine, 2012, P. 374-377.
  16. 15. Fedorin I.V. Polarization Characteristics of the Reflected Electromagnetic Wave from the Subwavelength Periodic Semiconductor-Dielectric Structure / V. Fedorin, A.A. Bulgakov, D.O. Kaliuzhna // Proceedings of The I International Scientific Conference «Actual Problems of Applied Physics» (APAP 12), 24-28 September, Sevastopol, Ukraine, 2012, P. 133-134.
  17. 16. Fedorin I.V. Epsilon-Near-to-Zero Subwavelength Semiconductor-Dielectric Periodic Structure in an External Magnetic Field / V. Fedorin, A.A. Bulgakov, D.O. Kaliuzhna // Materials of the Third International Meeting “Clusters and nanostructured materials”(CNM-3, 14 – 17 October, Uzhhorod, Ukraine, 2012, P. 119.
  18. A.A. Bulgakov and I.V. Fedorin, “Electrodynamic Properties of a Layered Periodical Fine-Stratified Structures with Artificial Anisotropy” // Proc. Of International Crimean Conference “Microwave & Telecommunication Technology” (CriMiCo’2011), 12-16 September, Sevastopol, Crimea, Ukraine; pp. 653-654.
  19. I.V. Fedorin and A.A. Bulgakov, “Surface Electromagnetic Waves in Fine-Stratified Periodic Semiconductor Dielectric Structure in a Magnetic Field” // Proc. Of XI Kharkiv Young Scientists Conference on “Radiophysics, Electronics, Photonics and Biophysics” (IRE YSC 11) (ESF-New focus Workshop: New Frontiers in Terahertz Techniques), Kharkiv, Ukraine, 29 November-1 December, 2011 (1 page).
  20. I.V. Fedorin and A.A. Bulgakov, “Conical Refraction in the Fine-Stratified Structure Consisting of Alternate Semiconductor and Dielectric Layers” // Proc. Of Third International Topical Meeting on Nanophotonics and Metamaterials (Nanometa 2011), Seefeld, Tirol, Austria, 3-6 January, 2011; Europhysics Conference Abstract Volume 35A, (1 page).
  21. 20. A.A. Bulgakov and V. Fedorin, “Electromagnetic Field Ellipticity in the Case of Reflection from Fine-Stratified Structure Located on a Metal Substrate” // Proc. OfInternational Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory (MMET’2010), Kyiv, Ukraine, September 6-8, 2010; (4 pages).
  22. 21. A.A. Bulgakov and V. Fedorin, “Electrodynamic Properties of a Magnetic Fine-Stratified Structure” // Proc. of International Symposium on Physics and Engineering of Microwaves, Millimeter and Submillimeter waves (MSMW’2010), Kharkiv, Ukraine, June 21-26, 2010; (3 pages).
  23. 22. Fedorin I.V. Optical Properties of Semiconductor Fine-Grain Structures in the Magnetic Field // Thesis Abstracts of the Contest for Best Thesis in Electromagnetic and Optics Field. 1 June, 2009, Kharkiv, P. 10-11.
  24. I.V. Fedorin and A.A. Bulgakov, “Optical Properties of Semiconductor Fine-Stratified Structure in the Magnetic Field” // Proc. Of IX Kharkiv Young Scientists Conference on “Electromagnetics, Photonics and Biophysics” (IRE YSC 09), Kharkiv, Ukraine, 1-3 December, 2009, p. 64.
  25. 24. V. Fedorin and A.A. Bulgakov. Electrodynamical properties of the magnetic periodic stratified structures // Proc. Of XVIII International Scientific Conference«Information technology: science, engineering, technology, education, health», 12-14 May, 2010, Kharkiv, Ukraine, P.92.