Department of

Computer modeling of processes and systems

The department was created in 1964 to train highly qualified personnel who would have both practical engineering training and fundamental knowledge in the field of mathematics and information technology. Over the past decades, the efforts of the department have been aimed at the development of methods, algorithms and software for computer modeling of various processes in technical systems, the development of robotic, intelligent, navigation systems for UAVs and the introduction of the latest results into the educational process. Students studying at the department’s specializations, while completing coursework and diploma work, participate in research work and software development, including in international projects with universities in Germany, Poland, Canada, Italy and other countries.


Head of Department

Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences

Graduate specialties and trajectories

Training in the specializations of the department provides education in the direction of “Computer Sciences”, which combines fundamental training and practical knowledge of modern technologies and programming methodologies, the ability to model using modern mathematical and computer methods, in particular methods of artificial intelligence, various real processes and create software packages and complexes.

Наші випускники мають конкурентоспроможність при працевлаштуванні та подальше кар’єрне зростання завдяки угодам та співробітництву кафедри з такими IT-компаніями, як: «Intetics», «DataArt», «Nix Solutions», «Qualium Systems», «CHI Software», «Global logic», «EPAM Systems», «Miratech» та багатьма іншими.

Directions of scientific activity


Kharkiv, st. Kirpychova, 2, NTU “KhPI”,

Math building, 1st floor


Phone: (057) 707-64-54
