

Computer Science. Modeling, design and computer graphics

Навчально-науковий інженерно-фізичний інститут

122 комп'ютерні науки

Комп’ютерні науки. Моделювання, проектування та комп’ютерна графіка

«Комп’ютерні науки, це науки про обчислення, автоматизацію та інформацію,
що охоплюють теоретичні дисципліни, такі як алгоритми, теорія обчислень і теорія інформації, та практичні дисципліни, що включають розробку та впровадження апаратного та програмного забезпечення».  (WikipediA)

Computer science is the study of computation, automation, and information.
Spans theoretical disciplines, such as algorithms, theory of computation, and information theory, and practical disciplines including the design and implementation of hardware and software.”

#штучний інтелект #моделювання на основі даних, #компьютерне моделювання, #доповнена реальність #віртуальна реальність, #дуальна освіта #роботехнічні системи #системи управління та навігації #компютерна графіка #розробка програм #алгоритми

of Computer Science

Training period

4 years / 240 ECTS credits

The form of study



з комп'ютерних наук

Термін навчання

3 роки 10 місяців / 240 кредитів ЄКТС

Форма навчання


Бюджетні місця
у 2020 році


Вартість контрактного навчання

для громадян України 26 000 грн

Навчальний план.

characteristics of the educational program

The main focus of the educational program “Computer science. Modeling, design and computer graphics” is the study of algorithmic solutions and mathematical methods that are the basis for the development of intelligent software systems, as well as solving applied problems of computer modeling and analysis data in information and engineering systems using computer and artificial intelligence approaches.

Structural and logical scheme of the educational program

Features of the program

ICM uses the Project form in educational processes. Starting from the 3rd year, there are mandatory team project works - for the formation of team interaction on tasks proposed by employers;

Active involvement of employers to teach selective courses from current technological stacks - we invite various specialists from different companies to jointly teach the most modern technologies;

The institute has a CISCO academy certified laboratory;

A wide range of department connections with German universities: organization of practice, included training (academic mobility, i.e. one semester of study at a German university), Euler scholarships for several best 5th-year students annually;

A unique opportunity for students to choose a dual form of organization of the educational process.

As part of the close cooperation of ICM with the SoftServe company, we agreed on the structure of the educational process, which ensures continuous interaction in 3 main steps:

  • execution of team project works based on real cases from the company and in close mentorship with practicing specialists;
  • students are offered selective technical courses, which will be taught by ICM teachers together with SoftServe specialists on current specialized technological areas;
  • synchronization of the practical component of the disciplines in the IT technology stack with the implementation of working business projects in SoftServe (actually combining internship and work in the company with training).

This approach ensures a high level of practical skills, relevance of the stack of technological disciplines and a high level of SoftSkills for our graduates.



(guarantor of the bachelor’s educational program)

Candidate of technical sciences

teaches courses: Discrete Mathematics, Theory of Algorithms, Mathematical Logic


(guarantor of the master’s educational program)

Candidate of technical sciences

teaches courses: Object-oriented programming, Data-based modeling and reverse engineering, Data visualization, Mathematical methods of artificial intelligence theory, Distributed computing



Doctor of Engineering

teaches courses: Theory of probability and mathematical statistics, Machine learning, Modeling of dynamic processes, Analysis of random processes and signals


Doctor of Engineering

teaches courses: Programming, Special sections of computational methods



Candidate of technical sciences

teaches courses: Mathematical logic and data structures, Neural networks, Optimization methods


Candidate of technical sciences

teaches courses: Programming, Object-oriented programming, Methodologies for creating software products, Testing, Modeling and data-based reverse engineering


Professor SHOMAN OLHA 

Doctor of Engineering

teaches the course: Geometric modeling


Doctor of Engineering

teaches courses: System analysis, Mathematical methods of artificial intelligence



Candidate of technical sciences

teaches the course: Discrete Mathematics


Candidate of technical sciences

teaches the course: Program development technologies



Candidate of technical sciences

teaches courses: Mathematical logic, Theory of algorithms and data structures


Candidate of technical sciences

teaches the course: Animation and rendering technologies



Candidate of technical sciences

teaches courses: Statistics on Phython, Machine learning, 3D drawing


Candidate of technical sciences

teaches courses: Object-oriented programming, Databases



Candidate of technical sciences

teaches courses: GUI programming, Data mining


Doctor of Engineering

teaches courses: Databases, Data mining



Candidate of technical sciences

teaches the course: Programming


Candidate of technical sciences

teaches the course: Web technologies, Devops, Program development technologies



Educational trajectory– Design, creation and analysis of computer systems

This profiled package of disciplines is designed to train specialists who will generate new ideas and create new software projects, including PROGRAMMING. One of the main problems of the modern IT industry is the lack of new ideas, designed accordingly – according to the requirements of descriptions of startups, software complexes, scenarios of computer games, web portals and applications, etc. Understanding the software development process is an important component of this discipline unit as it helps students acquire the skills and techniques to work effectively on software projects.

Основні навчальні дисципліни

Мови програмування С++, Java, Python та ін.

Алгоритми та структури даних

Бази даних

Проектування програмних систем

Тестування програмних систем

Теорія управління

Методи штучного інтелекту

Комп'ютерні мережі


Програмування мобільних пристроїв

Методи оптимізації

Дослідження операцій

Паралельне та розподілене програмування

Системний аналіз та теорія прийняття рішень

Educational trajectory – Process modeling, data processing and analysis

The training is aimed at forming students’ knowledge and skills in creating computational models and algorithms for computer simulation, data processing and analysis, and data visualization. Attention is paid to the synergy of training in programming, modeling and computational mathematics. Students gain knowledge in the field of engineering modeling, application of automated design systems. The trajectory’s focus is on the intersection of computer simulations of real processes, data analysis methods, and artificial intelligence in modeling tasks.

Основні навчальні дисципліни

Мови програмування С++, Java, Python та ін.

Математична статистика

Організація баз даних

Програмне забезпечення математичного моделювання

Технології програмування

Чисельні методи

Методи штучного інтелекту

Комп'ютерні мережі


Методи оптимізації

Моделювання об’єктів і процесів в комп’ютерних системах

Динамічні дискретні системи

Паралельне та розподілене програмування

Метод скінченних елементів

Educational trajectory – Geometric modeling and graphic information technologies

This profiled package of disciplines is aimed at combining three directions that mutually complement and enrich each other: development of geometric models of objects, phenomena and processes, visualization, design activity.

Основи графічної композиції у віртуальному середовищі

Комп’ютерна графіка та веб-дизайн

Геометричне моделювання в конструюванні технічних об'єктів

Основи створення графічних додатків

Інтернет-технології комп’ютерної графіки та анімації

Графіка в мобільних пристроях

Основи скриптових мов програмування

Технології анімації та рендерингу

Educational trajectory– Intelligent and robotic systems

This profiled package of disciplines is designed to train specialists who will learn to develop and use computer systems that apply artificial intelligence, neural networks and machine learning. Students will be able to create intelligent models capable of pattern recognition, language processing and decision-making based on training data. These competencies will open wide perspectives for students to implement innovative solutions in various fields, including medicine, finance, automation and many others.

In addition, within the framework of this package of disciplines, students will gain knowledge about robotics, in particular the development and programming of robots and autonomous systems. They will be introduced to basic robotics concepts such as sensing, motion control, navigation and interaction with the environment. Students will be able to develop software for robots and unmanned aerial vehicles, as well as learn the principles of autonomous functioning and solving tasks in real time.

Основні навчальні дисципліни

Методи штучного інтелекту

Машинне навчання

Методи оптимізації

Дослідження операцій

Мови програмування С++, Java, Python та ін.

Бази даних

Теорія управління

Механіка робототехнічних систем

Паралельне та розподілене програмування


Програмування мобільних пристроїв

Сучасні комп'ютерні технології

Educational trajectory – Technologies of augmented reality

This profiled package of disciplines is designed to train specialists who will learn to develop and use computer systems with artificial intelligence components, artificial neural networks for solving various problems, perform image processing and recognition, use 3D animation technologies, perform AR & VR simulations, develop mobile AR apps and gaming apps.

Основні навчальні дисципліни

Graduates' suitability for employment and further education

Senior students and our graduates work in the largest Ukrainian and global companies. Graduates who found themselves in the field of information technologies work as programmers (C++, C#, Java, PHP), front-end and back-end developers, database administrators, and testers. Those who find themselves in engineering work as researchers and engineers in companies that design and develop new equipment, machinery and machinery.

Our graduates work at enterprises of various forms of ownership, in design and research organizations, advertising and design firms, programmers of computer graphics systems, developers of WEB sites and Internet applications.

Our graduates do internships in their senior years and work after graduation: in IT companies such as: “Intetics”, “DataArt”, “Nix Solutions”, “Qualium Systems”, “CHI Software”, “Global logic”, “EPAM Systems”, “Miratech” and many others; research divisions of companies and enterprises, such as the joint Ukrainian-American enterprise WESTRON, Vertical, NVP KHARTRON-ARKOS and others.

Learn more about the companies and enterprises that offer employment for students and graduates of our institute, as well as get acquainted with the requirements, duties and skills of candidates for current vacancies, possibly by following  this link.

A student who has completed training under this educational program and received a bachelor’s degree can continue his studies at universities in Ukraine and abroad to obtain a master’s degree in the field of knowledge 12 “Information technologies” or related fields.

What do our graduates say?

Are you interested in the opinion of those who have already received an education in the specialty of Computer Science? We really appreciate our graduates and their feedback about our work. Read their stories below to get a more complete picture of their studies, subsequent employment, and how the knowledge and skills acquired at university have helped them in life and work. Probably, the reviews of our graduates will inspire you and help you choose a specialty.

Graduates' satisfaction with education and training in the specialty










Overall satisfaction with learning

68,5% (13)










Relevance of the specialty

68,5% (13)










Quality of training in the specialty










Objectivity of knowledge assessment

Актуальність спеціальності

★★★★★ 42,1%

★★★★ 47,4%

★★★ 10,5%

★★ 0%

★ 0%

How quickly did our graduates get a job after graduating?

84% - Even during the diploma project

11% - Almost immediately

5% - During the year

0% - During the first three years

0% - It took more than three years

If you are our graduate, leave your feedback, it is important for us to hear your opinion. Please fill out, this survey form.

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If you have any questions, contact us in any way convenient for you and we will definitely help you!

+38 (057) 70 76 058, +38 (057) 70 76 085,


Kharkiv, st. Kirpychova 2, NTU “KhPI”, educational building 2, floor 3, classroom 313

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